FNAF (Night 3)

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Do I really need $120 from this place?

Cann't I just get a job somewhere else?

Do I need to fend for my life as killer animatronics attack me while I have a humanoid robot standing by my side?

If not, then why was I back in the parking lot at 11:55?

I gave up on my thoughts and turned off the car, listening to the radio as I stared out into the rain. The gas station still shone brightly in the dark night. Like an invisible force had taken over me, I quickly shut off the car and jumped out. I locked it before running down the ally and to the entrance. I hurriedly unlocked the door and busted in, ripping off my wet coat and hanging it on the back of the door. I was already tired from a severe lack of sleep, so when I turned around to find Phil standing at my desk, I let out an ear-splitting shriek.

He spun around and ran towards me, pressing a hand over my mouth to silence me. Once my body registered what was happening, I relaxed my shoulders and took a deep breath. Phil removed his hand and went over to the left hall to check if any animatronics were outside. I traced where Phil's hand was with my fingers, realizing how soft and warm he was.

After Phil checked the right hall as well, he went over to the desk and sat down.

"Oh don't worry, Phil." I said. "I can do that."

He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow as a huge yawn escaped me. He shook his head and stood up, walking out of the room shortly after. I wonder where he was going?

I sat down in his place-The chair is warm! What's up with that?-and began flipping through the rooms, watching as Phil walked down the hall and into the supply closet. That must be where they store him, but wouldn't they put him in one of the main rooms?

I flipped over to the stage, where everyone still remained. Moving onto the dining area, I saw a bunch of new posters up on the wall.

"The Amazing Phil. New to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Watch as this human-like animatronic performs wildly entertaining magic acts," I muttered, another yawn escaping me.

So that's where they keep him. He's a magician? I've got to ask him about that. But if they keep him in the dining hall, then why did he go to the storage closet?

I turned around as footsteps echoed down the left hall. I casually got up and went over to check to see who it was. It was, of course, Phil, who was carrying a blanket and a pillow. He put the pillow down by the desk and pointed at me, then at the pillow.

"Are you sure you can handle the cameras?"

He nodded. Normally, I wouldn't trust him to do this, but my tiredness was impairing my sense of good-judgement. So, I walked over to the pillow and laid down, closing my eyes in relief. I felt a blanket being laid down on top of me, very soft and warm. I looked up to find Phil tucking the blanket under my feet and chin, then going back to the desk and sitting down.

I felt very warm and comfortable, despite the cold floor beneath me. As my eyelids grew heavy and I felt my conscious slowly drift away, I whispered a thank-you before sleep overtook me.

I woke up to Phil opening one of the doors. I guess that means he did well, seeing as though he and I are alive. I pushed myself into a sitting position and stretched, feeling refreshed after my nap.

"Thanks for taking over my shift. I'll be sure to give you some of my..."


But he's an animatronic. He can't use money. He's not a real person.

I looked back up to see him tilting his head. "Never mind," I said as I got up. I mentally slapped myself for leading him on. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, shocked to find that it was 3:00 already. Did I sleep that long?

I flopped down in the chair, looking through the rooms as Phil walked around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him fold the blanket back up, or try to at least.

"Hang on," I said as I got up. "Let me help."

I instructed him to hold two corners while I grabbed the other two. When I grabbed his corners from him, I felt his warm, soft hands brush against mine; not at all robot-like. I pushed away the thought as I finished folding the blanket. After bending down and picking up the pillow, I walked towards the door that led to the hallway.

Before I made it out, Phil darted out in front of me and blocked the entrance. I completely forgot that I could-no, would-get killed if I went out there. So instead, I handed him the pillow and blanket and watched as he left.

It didn't take long for Phil to come back and the night was going smoothly. Before I could comprehend it, it was 5:00 am. I had a couple of close calls with Chica and Bonnie, but thankfully, Phil was there to help close the doors. After I opened the door after Chica vanished, I turned back to Phil, who was sitting by the desk.

"So, I saw that you were a magician? Is that so?"

He nodded, looking up at me as I went over to the desk.

"Do you have a lot of tricks you can do?"

He nodded.

"Can you show me?"

He put his arms on the ground and hoisted himself up, standing eye-to-eye with me. I stepped back a bit as I watched him stretch his arms and turn his palms towards the ceiling. All of a sudden, rainbow streamers exploded out of his hands, filling the air around him. He grabbed a handful and started bunching it together, and all of a sudden, it turned into a cloth. He held the cloth in his right hand, and with his left, pulled it out of his clenched fist along with about 15 other cloths that were somehow tied to it.

He dropped the cloths and bowed, prompting me to give him a round of applause. It wasn't anything too spectacular, but it would surely entertain kids.

"Very good job, Amazing Phil."

He stood back up and put his arms behind his back, gazing downwards as he scuffed the floor with his feet. I chuckled, watching him as he behaved bashfully. Before I could say anything else, I turned around at the sound of church bells. It was time for me to leave.

But why did I feel sad that I had to go?

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