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Riley’s POV

                “What? No! I’m not doing that, there’s no way in hell I’d ever do that.”

                Ryan leaned casually against the kitchen wall, the clanging of pots and running of water resounding around us.

                “I’m not exactly happy about this either, but the competition is tomorrow. This is my parent’s second favorite competition to enter, and their out of town this weekend so we’re going to have to do it. They didn’t have any plan for it this year, so we need to plan today,” Ryan countered, and I frowned.

                I had walked into Peaches this lovely Saturday morning, thinking a nice easy shift before a relaxing weekend. Instead I’m bombarded by this ridiculous pancake making competition. What’s worse is that Ryan is insisting I spend the entire day with him, making pancakes so he doesn’t disappoint his parents when we lose.

                “Why can’t you just do it?” I practically whined, not in the mood to deal with him, or anyone for that matter, today.

                He rolled his eyes. “Have you seen, no wait, tasted your food? I don’t know how you do it, but it comes out perfect every time and we’re bound to win if you’re cooking. My pancakes are shit and my waffles worse. I swear, you must be a witch or something.”

                “Yeah, great way to get me to agree. Call me a fucking witch. Why don’t you just fetch me the hideous hat and broomstick while you’re at it?” I called sarcastically, rubbing a hand over my face in frustration.

                “Come on Riley, just do it.”

                “No. I have homework to do.”

                “You can do it with me after we’re done, I’ll even help you.”

                “Help from you? I’m about 101% sure I’m in higher classes than you are, and smarter.”

                “Fine. Then I’ll have a friend come over to help you. He’s pretty smart.”

                “Ew, two of you? Why don’t you just throw me into a barrel and chuck me off of Niagara Falls now?”

                “Riley, you’re being absurd. Let’s just do this so my parents don’t get mad, okay?”

                “I’m being very reasonable. Why would I care if your parents are mad?”

                Something in Ryan must’ve flipped, his expression became considerably brighter, and a smile bloomed on his face.

                “You should care. You’re their employee.” I was still confused for a moment, before everything fell in place. Oh no he wouldn— “So if we lose, it’ll be on you and they might just be mad enough to fire you.” –n’t. He would. He did.

                I threw my hands up in the air in a dramatic gesture. “Ugh fine, you win,” I growled, angrily swiping a stray hair away from my face.

                He grinned in triumph, and led the way to his car.

                “Bring me to my house so I can grab my homework,” I told him miserably as he began to drive.

Strawberry Syrup [Camp NaNo April]Where stories live. Discover now