This is going to be one long night.


It's lunch time and Brooklyn and I are currently arguing about whether young marriage is a good or bad thing.

"I don't totally disagree with it. If you've been dating I would say atleast.... two or three years, it would be okay to get married, no matter how old you are. If you know you love each other and want to spend the rest of your lives together then I would say go for it." I shrugged my shoulders, taking a bite of my apple.

"I disagree completely. You need to wait until you're out of college and you've been living on your own for a while. You need to know how to take care of yourself. You need to explore the world on your own without having to worry about your husband." Brooklyn argued.

"I think love is love. Everyone has their own opinion."

After I threw my paper tray away, I got a message from an unknown number

From: unknown

'Hey it's Drake. I got your number from Brooklyn. I just wanted to apologize for Friday night. I shouldn't have punched him, even though he deserved it.'

'It's okay. I'm thankful for you taking up for me but I agree, you shouldn't have punched him. It's between Austen and I. No one else.'

'Im sorry. He had no right to yell at you. You're too good for him. You're beautiful and he's an a**hole.'

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at his comment. Brooklyn noticed, but didn't say anything.

'Thanks! :) But please stay out of it. I don't want you getting involved.'

'No problem. Let me make it up to you. Go out on a date with me tomorrow night ;)'

'Umm...Okay. What time?'

'I'll pick you up around 7:30. Wear something nice. See you then! ;)'

OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! I'm so excited but I'm afraid of what Brooklyn will think about this. Should I tell her or not?

"Who were you talking to? You're as red as that apple you're eating." Brooklyn giggled.

"Uh.. Drake text me...He apologized and then asked if he could make it up to me."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes." I answered shyly.

"How Is he gonna make it up to you?"

I didn't answer. I'm terrified of her reaction. I really like Drake, but if she wants me to just stay friends with him, I will. Our friendship is more important then a date with Drake, no matter how amazing he is.

"Kylie...answer me." She ordered.

"He umm.... He asked me out on a date." I looked away. I couldn't face her.

"Ohh.... Okay. That's cool. Maybe you two will hit it off."

What?!? Did she seriously just say that?

"So you don't care if I go on a date with your cousin?"

She laughed, "No. Why would I care?"

"Well I thought it might be weird for me to date someone in your family."

"It's fine. You need to move on from Austen and I think Drake might just be that guy. I can tell Drake likes you. He always looks at you and smiles. You may not notice it, but everyone else does. You two would be cute together."

"Thanks Brooklyn. I really need to start dating again. I'm glad you don't care because I really like Drake too."

"I know."

Wow. I'm going on a date with THE Drake. The guy I've had a crush on for as long as I can remember. I cannot wait until tomorrow night. I just have to get tonight out of the way.


School's over and I'm on my way home. My gas light came on about five minutes ago, but I didn't feel like stopping to put gas in it. Worst decision of my life. I ran out of gas and now I'm on the side of the road. I called everyone I could think of to bring me gas but they were either busy or didn't answer the phone. Just when I was about to give up and walk, a very familiar car parks right behind my truck. I try over and over again to bring my truck to life, but it didn't budge. I heard footsteps approach my door and then I heard a tap on my window. I rolled it down and looked at the idiot in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Well I saw you on the side of the road and decided I would stop and make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine, Ezra. I already have to spend tonight with you. Let me atleast have a few hours of peace."

"So you're not out of gas?" He asked, holding up a gas can.

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I guess I'll leave you alone so you can have some peace and quiet." He said, slowly walking back to his car.

"Wait." I huffed, stepping out of my truck and walking towards Ezra. "Can you please put the gas in my truck?"

"Under one condition." He smirked.

"What is it?" I rolled my eyes. Of course there's a condition.

"I decide who we interview. You can't say no to anyone I choice no matter who it is."

"No way! This is our project. I have a say in every decision we make!"

"Have it your way then. Looks like you're gonna be walking home."

"FINE!! You can decide who we interview."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Now go back to your truck so you don't start sweating again." He said, putting the gas into my truck.


"No problem. See you tonight." He winked.

I'm so not looking forward to these next two weeks.

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