"Lucky you! I'm stuck with Elizabeta..", I groaned out. I didn't hate her. She's just so...so...Elizabeta'ish. 

"She can't be that bad....", He laughed, gazing at the girls' dorm in the distance. 

"Trust me, she is.", I told him, also laughing a bit. The rest of our walk, we talked about the school and the people in it. Till....

"What's the Werewolf Part of the Academy like?", He questioned, curiously. 

I shivered a bit before answering, "Hush, you innocent soul. That part is evil, very evil.", He raised an eyebrow at me before shrugging and giving a light chuckle. I looked away from him and gazed at the dorm in front of me, scowling. 

"We're here.", I told him, stating the obvious. He simply hummed in response, watching many vampires look at him in confusement. Grabbing Gabriel's hand, I dragged him to the front door and opened it. I saw his jaw drop at the beautiful sight. 

"Welcome.", I welcomed, grinning, "Your room was number 80, right?"

"Correct.", He responded, still looking a bit dazed. 

"That's only a hallway away from my room, luckily.", I said, before starting to walk the direction to his dorm room, him following after me as the vampires started talking amongst each other. 

"Another witch?"

"No, that can't be! His blood attracts me, while a witch's blood doesn't attract vampires."

"Wait! A human!?"

"Omg! A human!"

"Is the principal crazy!?"

"Well...I'm not complaining~"

I rolled my eyes, 'Girls...', I thought, frowning. I noticed Gabriel shaking while looking down, his legs trembling. 

"Hey, you okay?", I asked him, concerned. 

"Y-Yeah...I-I just don't like having t-that much attention on me.", He explained, gulping. I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, telling him that it will be fine. He slightly relaxed before giving me a small smile, which I returned. With that, we continued walking towards his dorm room, ignoring the whispers. 

Soon enough, we made it in front of his dorm. He let out a relieved sigh as he opened the door, gently. 

"If you need anything, I'm in room 69.", I told him, before walking off to my room. I couldn't help it, I really wanted to hold my broom! Running, I made my way to my room, opened the door and let out a relieved sigh 'cause Elizabeta wasn't in it. In the corner, I saw my dear besom! 

I immediately ran to it and hugging it close, "Ah! It's been so long!", I shouted, harder than I meant to. 

I then looked down at my bed and noticed a note. Picking it up, I read it. 

Dear (M/n)

The trip had been lovely with you with us, except for some people getting too close to you...Anyway, I thought you looked great in the bikini you were wearing~ Maybe sometime, I can see you in less? 


Your secret admirer

'Okay, this guy or girl is starting to get creepy...', I thought, blushing a little. But deep down, I was flattered. 

Sighing, I threw the note into a garbage can before making my way to the window, planning to go to the Werewolf Part of the Academy, it had been long since I had last seen Allen. I don't know if we can call each other friends...But, I guess we are. 

I sat on top of my besom before I flew away, heading to the Werewolf Part, 'Let's just hope that I don't encounter Luciano...', I thought, gulping. 

After a bit of flying, I made it inside of the Werewolf part of the Academy. Many werewolves knew me already by the many times I had visited, so they just rolled their eyes as I flew by, 'Hmpf, haters.', I thought, scoffing. 

In the distance, I saw the redheaded guy I was looking for, so I flew lower. Going a tad bit faster, I noticed him sitting at the table with Oliver and the two other males from the other day. 

Soon enough, I made it right behind him and let out a small, "Sup.", He jumped a little before he looked behind him, grinning at me. 

"Long time no see, dollface.", He greeted with a chuckle following at the end. 

"Yeah, I know.", I said, also chuckling. 

"So, that's the guy that got everyone pumped?", The blonde next to Allen asked, gazing at me. 

I gave him a confused look, "Me? Wait, who are you even?", I questioned. 

"The name's Matt Williams.", He told me with a knick of his head. 

I simply nodded before introducing myself as well, since the secret's out already, "I'm (M/n).", I introduced. 

I then turned my head at Oliver as he spoke, "Oh, and poppet, this is François Bonnefoy!", He introduced the male sitting next to him who simply grunted. He seemed rather grumpy and not the talkative guy. 

"One question,", I spoke, looking at Matt, "What did you mean by 'got everyone pumped'?", I questioned. 

"Nothing much, just that almost has been talking about you, dude.", He explained. Warily, I nodded, knowing already that I'm the center of attention ever since I had began to stay here. 

"Well then, it was nice to meet you, I gotta go----", I was cut off. 

"WITCH!", I heard a loud Italian voice yell from behind me, 'Crap...', I thought, shivering. Slowly, I turned around to see Luciano running towards me with his crew. I heard Allen growl as the three reached us. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?", Luciano asked, angrily. 

"I-I had just been o-on a trip...!", I answered, getting easily intimidated. 

"TO WHER----", He cut off by Allen pushing me behind him while giving the Italian a glare. 

"Stop with the fucking questions, don't you see that you're scaring him, dick!?", Allen snapped at him. Luciano glared at Allen as he tried to grab one of his knives, but stopped as he felt his German friend put a hand on his shoulder while mouthing 'not worth it'. 

I clutched the back of Allen's jacket, realising that I'd be stuck here for a while. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now