Chapter 17

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Everybody stared at Mard Geer in the moonlit ballroom, fear plain in their eyes. First Princess Lucy and now The Underworld King Mard Geer? Nobody quite knew what to make of these events. The only ones who weren't scared were Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Lucy. The queen and two princes had eyes full of anger. But Lucy just had a plain face on, as if it was a normal occurrence. Now I know something fishy is going on, Natsu thought as he glared daggers at the raven haired demon. As of now, it was taking everything he had to keep his flames from burning this whole room to ashes. Erza also glared, but with more fury added into her gaze. This man... this demon killed Jellal my best friend. He kidnapped Lucy, the child that I viewed as my own. This man ruined the life I knew five months ago, the scarlet haired queen thought as she clenched her hands into fists, almost drawing her own blood. Not that she was focused or noticing the pain at the moment. "Mard Geer! What are you doing here!" Erza shouted at the underworld king, her voice filled with venom. "I simply came here to enjoy the ball you have thrown. Oh, and to take care of of some business I have here" Mard Geer answered, a sly look on his face. It was the kind of look that would send shivers down your spine before you even saw him, and his eyes only spoke of his evil intentions. And his words only scared the guests furthermore. "You have no business here, leave before I personally remove you myself. And trust me. You don't want that" Erza said as she glared at Mard Geer, sending him a warning that he either ignored, or didn't catch. The underworld king and the scarlet queen glared at eachother, as if they could obliterate the other person. Mard Geer smirked, making Queen Erza glared harder. "If you wish, but I still have that business I have to take care of?" he said as he opened his book of curses, flipping a few pages. Natsu glanced back at Lucy before he allowed his fists to be consumed by fire, illuminating the dark ballroom a little bit. "Oh yeah? What kind of business?" the fire dragon slayer asked, not entirely sure he wanted to know the answer. Mard Geer closed his precious book with a loud clap with one hand while his other hand pointed at Lucy. "Why she is" Mard Geer said as a glowing magic circle surrounded the blonde celestial wizard. "Lucy!" Natsu shouted, but the princess wouldn't move. She didn't even bat an eyelash, she just stood there with a straight face and those brown, foggy, distant eyes. Mard Geer watched the scene, smirking even more. "You see, before she left, I placed a mind control curse on her while dressing her up a bit. Her harrowing little owl friend tried to warn her, but to no avail. She was too late and ended up in a cage, out of my way. And the business I'm referring to is the death of your lover" Mard Geer explained as Natsu growled at him. "You see, I never intended to actually keep her alive after I took her kingdom. Her justification was to help me inherit her kingdom and then die. Nothing more. Then I thought to myself, if I simply killed the only heir to the throne, then I could simply take it for myself without any trouble. Since no one would be able to stop me" Mard Geer explained, further angering the fire dragon. "And now seems like the perfect time to do so. Since this is the night that will be known as the night the demons from hell were let loose into to the world yet once again" Mard Geer said as the glowing magic circle around Lucy glowed a demonic dark purple, and the blond haired women gasped. Natsu growled, looking from Lucy to glaring at the underworld king. "You bastard! If you want to hurt anyone, hurt me!" Natsu shouted, hoping to save Lucy. Mard Geer's smirk faded at the dragon slayers words. "You would really give up your life for this women? Would it really be worth it?" Mard Geer asked, staring right into Natsu's eyes. "Yeah! With no regrets! I love her, I'd go to hell and back for her! And there is now way I'm just gonna let her die on my watch!" Natsu exclaimed, meaning every word he said. He stared right into Mard Geer's dark eyes, waiting for his reply. Mard Geer smirked, surprising and worrying the pink haired man. "Then that will make this more gratifying" Mard Geer said softly, only Natsu being able to hear him because of his heightened senses. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, as Natsu heard his heat thundering in his chest. Mard Geer snapped his fingers, the sound echoing throughout the dead silent room. Instantly the magic circle around Lucy disappeared, and for only one second, it seemed fine. Until the celestial wizard glowed a brilliant white, screaming louder as it grew brighter. Then suddenly, the white light stopped and disappeared into Lucy, her screams dying with it. All she felt was pain, and she felt as if something was eating away at her life force. Her whole world went black, and she couldn't stand. The princess started to fall backwards as her eyes closed, signaling that she was unconscious. Natsu rushed over to Lucy, catching her body before she could even fall halfway to the ballroom floor. The fire dragon slayer picked Lucy up bridal style while glaring at the demon with an unknown rage no one knew he had. His flames have disappeared, but everyone could tell he was holding back a enough fire to burn the whole continent. "What did you do to Lucy?!" Natsu yelled at him. "Activated a death curse. With each passing second, she comes closer and closer to death. But the curse wasn't designed to be quick, it was meant to take a long period of time, giving the victim an unbearable pain while they suffer" Mard Geer said as he mentally praised himself for his, in his opinion, outstanding work. The raven haired demons smirk was gone when he saw the time on the grand clock. Time really does go by faster when you're having fun, he thought as he held his precious book to his chest with one hand. "Our time together has been enjoyable, but I do have a portal to open. Cherish this time while you can, because the human race is coming to an end" Mard Geer said before he disappeared, becoming a shadow and slipping away into the night. Erza glanced around, seeing the terrified faces of her guests. First things first. They have to leave so I can handle this, Erza thought. "Alright! Everyone, I know you're scared, but you have to leave! I suggest preparing for a war, just in case!" Erza exclaimed as she lead her guests to the door, where they were filing out. As Erza looked around, she noticed that her son was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Happy. "Where are they?!" Erza shouted, wanting an answer to where her son was. Meanwhile, Natsu was running in one of the stone hallways, Lucy safely in his arms. As soon as Natsu reached the room he was looking for, he broke down the door, waking up a sleeping Mira. "Who there!" Mira exclaimed, sitting up straight from her desk. "Mira! Lucy's in trouble!" Happy said as Natsu came running over to the white haired woman. "What happen?!" Mira asked as she look at Lucy. "She has a death curse! I know you're an expert on this kinda stuff! I need a cure! Fast!" Natsu exclaimed. Mira lead Natsu to a clear table, where she told him to set Lucy down on. Then she grabbed a crystal, telling Natsu that it could tell you if the curse was curable. As she held it above Lucy's heart, the clear crystal turned black. Mira's eyes started to tear up. "I'm sorry. There is no cure" she said in a voice barely above a whisper. Natsu felt his heart stop. Lucy couldn't die, he just found her and told her he lover her. "No. There has to be another way, don't you have some sort of book?" Natsu asked, causing Mira's eyes to widen before she walked away and searched for something. When she came back, she was carrying a black, thick book with a silver demon symbol on the cover. "You're a dense genius Natsu" Mira said as she flipped through the pages. "Hey!" Natsu exclaimed" a bit offended by her comment. Mira continued to flip through her book until she found the page she was looking for. "According to this book, the only way to save Lucy is ... to defeat the demon who cast the curse in the first place"

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