Explain: Chapter 10

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I was in class when my phone vibrated..

I was in class when my phone vibrated

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Opss.. That's my fault..



Jiminnie: Been a while, since I've posted anything

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Jiminnie: Been a while, since I've posted anything.♥


PrincessJinnie: Jiminnie, welcome back. We missed you.

DaddyMonie: We missed own baby, Chim.

J-Hopeful: About damn time, you come back to me.. ♥

BunnyTeeth: I'm laughing at our names.. :P

AlienV: I'm not.. I hate this.. Who changed my name.. :(


~Jiminnie posted a SnapChat story~

~Jiminnie posted a SnapChat story~

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As I walk out of class, I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. I walk out the class door, a hand grabs mine. Pulling into a closet, for the schools' janitor. 

"Jiminnie, I need help with something.." He sounded desperate..

"With what? Why in here?"

"..What you did to me the other day... I was thinking about it... And, I want more.. Not just because I need it, I want you to make me feel things. Emotion. I'm ready to give you an excuse.. I'm ready to man up.. and tell you what happened that day, I left you, alone.."

"Oh.. What do you mean, make you feel emotion. How am I supposed to make you feel anything? They're are girls, out their, go pick one.."  I start to grab for the door...

"No. I don't want 'girls'.. I need something else.."

"I don't get it..?" I really didn't know what he was hinting at, I was rather confused..

"Make love to me, Jimin.."

Did I freak out? Yes, I couldn't move. This new person, I grew up with, isn't the same I met earlier this year.. He was different.

This one begged for me. He wanted me to give him my love and affection.

The other one would've yelled in my face, and told me to go fuck myself..

I also didn't want to give him anything, he still has to explain.

"You still need to explain to me. I'm not doing anything until you explain yourself.."


After a long pause, of putting his words together..

"It started a couple months before I left you.. I was dragged by a friend from that school year, to go to a bar and get drunk. Knowing me, I agreed, because I'm a fucking idiot. I got addicted. Then, drugs got involved. I didn't want you to see that side of me. So I did the worse thing, in my entire life. I left you. Alone. Crying. I was so fucked up, at the time. I didn't want you hurt.. but.. you were anyways. I got so bad, I needed help. I went to rehab for months. I just gave up, and let myself get angry at the world. 

I saw that you weren't coming to school, and I got worried, it was because of me. Then you came back. So smart, and intelligent, knowing I was failing, somehow. I couldn't believe my little Jimin, grew up. I missed you so much. When the teacher told me I needed help, I suggested you, I didn't think it would actually happen. I didn't know why I acted the way I did with you. It's like the memories were too much, and I panicked. I didn't want to get attached again, but.. I couldn't help it.. 

When I saw your notebook, and I read it, as my goodnight book, like you were still with me. I would read it, every night before bed. I love it so much, I kept it. When you came back, I was hoping you made another one. Because I loved your thoughts, so much. You don't know how much I missed you. I wanted to die, so fucking bad. I was in so much pain. I thought I caused you to leave.. But when I got to the page, where you explain where you went. I got happy, knowing you did it for me. I know if I said the words, you wouldn't give in to me. I wasn't using you if that's what you think. 

To be honest with you, I fell in love with my best friend, and I want him back. When you asked to play the game, I agreed because.. I fell too hard not to. My heart worked over time, I was trying to find ways to find you.. I even.. I even sobered up for you.. but I was lost. You are the star of guided me home, but I got lost when you weren't there. You disappeared into the sky, like you vanished out into the darkness of space.. 

I got upset with myself.. And now, you're back, and I couldn't be happier. My heart hurt. So badly. I covered it, trying to date so many times, too many one-night stands, I gave up on myself completely. I wanted the pain to stop.. When I kissed you that day, I did it because I couldn't control myself any longer. I missed the fuck out of you. I took the only chance I had and went for it. But you left me feeling like you felt nothing. That hurt even worse than when you left. I was determined to get you back, so I tried hard to study. I went home after school and tried my best. I wanted to impress you enough, to see that I changed..

I didn't want to fuck up again. I left those 'friends', that I hated so much, and became a better person. Someone randomly texted me the other day and wanted me to get you. They wanted us to be a couple, followed us around, stalked us. They even sent pictures. I thank them for helping me. I still don't know who they are, but I know they're watching up, so I brought us in here. I wanted to apologize so damn bad. But whenever I got the chance I fucked it up, but either yelling at you or calling you names that you shouldn't be called.

You're a beautiful human being, who is smart, dorky, you have a lot of talents. I was always jealous of you, you know? I wanted to be good at everything. Just like you. I fell for it. All the time. Fuck it. I fucking loved you for it. Yes, love. I love you Park Jimin. And I'm willing you give you my everything. Just for you. 

I may act bad but to you.. I'm a softy.

And I'm truly sorry for what I have done. I know I fucked up, and it was the worst mistake of my life.. Can you forgive me?"

I was frozen. 

He was the one I grew up with. This is my.. MY  Yoongi. The one I cared for. I loved. I wanted. The one I did everything for. This is him. In all this glory. This is the same boy, I fell in love with, years ago.. My favorite side, that I desperately loved, of Min Yoongi.

xx Jimin

(~Warning: Smut in the next chapter.. Idk if it's too soon or not.. o.o Help me out, I'm running out of ideas..~)

Words: 1153 (without A/N) 1184 (With A/N and Un-needed text :P)

Don't Act Bad. You're A Softy. {Yoonmin} [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now