He recognized the person at the door to be Madison, but that was strange, he thought they hadn't talked in months.

Then all of a sudden, before he could blink, their lips were touching.

He looked away; he somehow felt betrayed, although he could not explain.

He walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Jefferson was the one to pull away this time.

He looked at his friend, his best friend, whom he had not seen in months. He hadn't noticed this that much, but all feelings for him were gone.

"I'm sorry James, I really am but I don't feel like that anymore."

James' face fell, he'd been too late.

So James Madison ran.

When he reached his dorm, he noticed he didn't bring his key; so he lightly knocked on the wooden door, quickly being met with his roommate's face.

"Hey, where'd you go?"

He entered as John closed the door behind him.

"It's a long story." He sighed.

They walked over to the couch, Laurens sat down.

"Well, tell me, I've got plenty of time."

Madison followed suit.

"No, you don't."

John shrugged.

"No I don't, but I'd rather talk than study."

Madison nodded. He hadn't really talked to anyone in a while, and he needed to.

"I kissed Thomas," he mumbled, looking at the ground as if he was ashamed.

"You kissed him?"

Laurens's eyebrows rose as he spoke; this was news to him.

"I don't know what I was thinking; I just thought that maybe that's what I should do. I miss Thomas, but every time I see him he just walks away and doesn't even look at me," he began.

"He's ashamed, and I get it, but after talking to Mulligan, I realised that their situation was pretty much the same and maybe I do like him. I don't know. But now he doesn't like me anymore, so I don't know what to say."

He sighed heavily before burying his head in his hands.

He made such a big deal out of everything. Right?

"But did you like it?" Laurens honestly asked.

"What?" Madison blurted as he looked up at his roommate.

"The kiss, did you like it?"

James thought about it.

"No. I didn't. Actually, it didn't change anything."

He could breathe steadily again.

Laurens smiled.

"So you don't like him, and he doesn't like you?"

"Yes, I guess so."

Madison looked up at him and smiled back.

Everything seemed so much clearer than before.


Laurens smirked.

"No problem."

They sat there for a while, not doing or saying anything.

Just there, with each other, on their couch.

"James, do you remember when we went to that skating thing, and I fell?"

He remembered; it was an odd thing to bring up.

"Yes, we were in like third and fourth grade."

"And everyone made fun of me."

Madison let out a modest smile.


"But you stood up for me, even though they were the cool kids, and they were older than both of us."

He shifted in his seat.

"I remember."

"Well, I'm here for you man," Laurens confided.

"Even if you fall while you're skating and embarrass yourself."

He smiled.

Madison laughed.

He looked up at the younger man. His friend, they were friends now.

He hadn't felt so genuinely happy in a long time.

He moved closer to Laurens.

If it wasn't already apparent, Madison usually did and then thought instead of the other way around

He was great at making mistakes, if there were an award for it, he'd be a multiple gold medalist.

Hopefully, this wouldn't be one.

His lips brushed Laurens'.

He had expected fireworks and sparks, but there were none.

It was perfect.

It didn't feel like fireworks and sparks. Instead, it felt like walking on air; the kiss obliterated every thought in his mind.

Soft and slow.

A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come.

They gently pulled away simultaneously.

Madison opened his eyes, and to his delight, Laurens was still smiling.

He leaned in for another kiss.

1232 words

yayy, some happy before not happy.


I'm taking a bus tomorrow for about six hours (yay) and then I have exams on Tuesday, then I'm free, for about a week before I have to go back to school...

BUT I promise in that week I'll update a lot and have long chapters and everything. 



A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now