Chapter 11

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The next morning I wake up in Theo's embrace. His breathing is calm as his dreams claim his attention. Last night I had slept a beautiful dreamless sleep. Theo must have warded off the demons that captivate my mind.

Because he is still sound asleep underneath me, I take the time to admire his room. We lay on his four post bed in the center of twisted silk red sheets of a king size mattress. Directly across the long bedroom is a flat screen tv mounted a few yards above a gas fireplace. This is one of the few rooms in the house that carpet replaces the wood floors. It is light beige. On either side of the fireplace are two entryways which I assume leads to a bathroom. The wall that is opposite of the door has a walk in closet. The walls are a cream color. Very classy, very simple. The only thing in this room that makes it look like someone lives here is the half full glass of water on the nightstand and the book Divergent beside it.

I don't know why but the thought of Theo reading brings a bubble of laughter up my throat and out of my mouth.

The weight underneath me shifts and a rough voice fills the silence, "What's so funny? Am I drooling?" God, I never thought a sleepy voice could be so incredibly sexy.

I spin so I'm now on my stomach, propped up on Theo's chest staring into his eyes. As soon as he sees my face a smile appears on his.

"Good morning," I say.

"You too gorgeous, now tell me, what was so funny?"

If curiosity kills, Theo would be a dead man. "I just, I saw that book on your nightstand and something about picturing you reading is hysterical."

"What? You didn't think I read?" His voice cracks. I choke back a laugh when he gives me a glare.

"I just never pictured you doing such a thing. But hey, I won't judge you only because that is like my favorite book of all time."

"You've read it?" He asks, igniting a spark in his eyes. Never in my life would I have pegged Theo as the man who reads books and appreciates them.

"Of course."

"Who's your favorite character?"

"Tobias of course!" I say as if it is the most obvious answer. A smirk plays on Theo's face. I assume yet another inside joke. "Do you know what time it is?"

Theo turns to look at the nightstand beside him, "Eight why?"

My eyes nearly bug out of my head. Shit. Robert wants me in by eight-thirty today. Apparently there's a meeting about the details for an upcoming movie for 2014 and he needs me to take calls for him while he's in it.

I throw back the covers and dash down the hallway to my room. Quickly I throw on a pair of slacks and a light blue blouse. A quick look in the mirror informs me I look like I just got out of a pool. Having no other option, I run a brush through my tangled hair as I brush my teeth.

When I get downstairs Theo is dressed, looking charming as ever. He tosses his keys in his hand. "Where are you going?" I ask him.

"How bout I drive you to work today?" Not having time to argue I oblige.

The whole ride there I keep my eyes trained on the clock. Theo tries to calm my nerves by starting up the question game again. Though I am barely paying attention.

"What is your ideal first date?"

"Candle light dinner."

"Do you like dressing up?" He asks another question, completely breaking the rules of the game but I'm too stressed out to focus even an ounce of my attention on the rules.

"Sure I guess. I don't know. I don't have anything against it."

Now it is 8:25. Step on it Theo step on it!

"What is your favorite setting for a dinner?"

"Something cozy but original."


The car pulls up to the curb. Without hesitating I fling my door open. I am about to jump out when I remember Theo. Quickly I twist my body back towards his and plant a kiss firmly on his lips. The last thing I want to do is leave him but I just got this job. I can not afford to lose it already.

I burst into Roberts office at exactly 8:30. Quickly I arrange my frazzled looking hair and plaster a perfectly fake smile on my face.

"Good morning Mr. Friedman."

"To you also Haley. The meeting starts in ten minutes. Make sure everyone is in the executive board room."

"Yes sir. Though may I ask what movie this is about?"

"We are working on the production of Divergent. Though I can not give out any other information at this time for it is highly confidential." he informs me.

I nearly laugh to myself. Theo and I were just talking about that this morning.

What a coincidence.

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