Chapter Fourteen: Screams Of Horror

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Even with the Phantom's laughter, she continued on while the audience laughed at her new found sound. The only words that she could sing were "Poor fool, he makes me laugh -Hahahahaha!" before she turned back into her toad's voice.

Her husband came to her side with great ease. Whispering with a soft tone towards his wife. Telling her comforting things and his love for her. She wept silently within her husbands grasp.

Swiftly the managers hurry out of the box onto the stage. Vlad ushers the now sobbing Grimhilde offstage, while the managers tackle the audience.

The curtains were swiftly shut and the managers were in front of the blind. They smiled towards their audience as they try to comprehend an excuse.

The three actors who had not been swept by the curtain ran for cover. They wanted nothing more than to be behind the velvet curtains. All three hurriedly ran to the edges of the stage and opened the curtain from the left wing. Finally disappearing from the eyes of the audience.

"Ladies and gentleman...we apologise..." Cogsworth stated as he studied the audience who all watched the two managers with fearful and prying eyes. He did not appreciate this, not at all.

Oh, how he wished he had listened to the ghost. Oh, how he felt foolish. He was sure that he would not be making the same mistake again. Never again would he go against the Phantom of the Opera.

"The performance will continue in ten minutes time," Cogsworth added as he quickly opened the curtains and grabbed onto Elsa swiftly. Dragging her out onto the stage to be seen by the public.

"When the role of the Countess will be sung by Miss Elsa Winter," Cogsworth announced to all as Elsa glanced over the audience with bewilderment. The audience clapped greatly at this news and it forced smiles onto the manager's faces.

Swiftly, Cogsworth pushed Elsa behind the curtain shouting for her to get ready. Elsa did as she was told, she swiftly left to get ready into a gown. Anna and Madam Terpsichore followed along with her.

"Until then we crave your indulgence for a few moments," Cogsworth stated to the audience who were then talking amongst each other. Cogsworth glanced over to Lumier, hoping he could help with the inconvenient situation they were in.

Hans stood in his seat, in box five. He watched the managers before eyeing the area where he heard the Phantoms voice. Promptly, he made his way to search for the voice. He was curious.

Lumier took the moment to speak, improvising. He spoke in a calm and cheerful tone as if nothing unfortunate had happened. He said, "in the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we shall be giving you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera."

Radcliff watched the managers and grew confused and mad at their announcement. hoping he had not heard them correctly, he gave the managers an angered and confused look.

"Maestro -the ballet -now!" Both managers shouted to Radcliff who quickly hurried to the correct page, whispering to the other members the page number. Soon the orchestra was ready to begin ballet scene. Unfortunately, on stage was not quite the same.

Panic had consumed the cast over the event, and the manager's request for the ballet scene just turned the cast into a frenzy. Everyone scurried along the stage, trying to get the scene in order before the curtain rose. Props were moved while others brought the correct items to the stage. Ballets hurried to their places, including Rapunzel.

The managers left the stage quickly, hoping to get rid of the audience's eyes. They stood behind stage hurrying everyone to get into the correct positions for the scene. Soon the scene was set and it was time for the managers to rest back in their seats.

Soft music enters the audience's ears and soon the ballet girls enter as sylvan glade flies in. They begin the Dance of the Country Nymphs. The music was soft and pleasant. A contrast to the unfavourable events beforehand.

Gaston watched from above, observing everything around him. All except the shadow that hid. The shadow watched Gaston with sharp eyes. The figure despised Gaston with a passion. Disturbing words had passed Gaston's lips, which the figure did not appreciate. Not at all.

Elsa was helped into her corset by Madam Terpsichore and Anna. Elsa did not feel comfortable within the costume but she made no attempt to complain. She thought best to be silent, so she may think. Anna pulled on the strings, causing Elsa to lose her breath and cut her from her thoughts. Just as she was tightly within the corset, she noticed the single white rose with a dark blue ribbon tied in a bow. Elsa grasped the bow and turned the thornless stem within her hands, smiling softly to herself.

Gaston, now aware of the shadow watching him, was running through the corridors hoping to get away. Sweat was penetrating down his brow. He knew the shadow was there, but he could not see it.

The dance went on. The dancers seemed to float on air. The audience were captured at their movements. Elegant movements of pure delight. The audience was most impressed with Rapunzel who seemed to have got lost in the music. She was a delight to watch.

Gaston turned and saw the face of the shadow. Letting out a yelp of fright, he fled for his life. He knew the figure from anywhere and he was sure he did not want to be left alone with him. He ran but he was not agile enough. The figure had him down in a matter of minutes and soon Gaston lost all hope.

The dancers had seemed to forgotten the event as they danced and so did the audience. They almost forgot, but that soon ended.

The body of Gaston flew down with the rope that hung him in place. A hanged man. He hung while already dead.

The ballet ended. Screams started. Soon the whole audience joined with the screams. They had witnessed the aftermath of a murder. They had witnessed the death of Gaston Hunter.

The screams of horror continued to fill the theatre. Screams of horror seemed to never end. Yet, why would they not?

The cast had moved instantly away from the hanged body. They continued to scream as they watched Gaston's body struggle. The ladies all gathered around each other, holding one another for comfort. Still the scene did not leave them, instead, the rope was dropped along with the body.

The audience, witnessing the event, all began to hurry for the exit. Gasps of horror were heard and husbands covered their innocent wives eyes hoping not to punish them with such a sight.

The figure watched from above. He stayed silent for a moment as he watched others begin to crowd around him. He then turned away from the sight, now having other affairs to attend to. Like seeing her, Elsa.

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