The best, yet worst day.

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It's been a week since that incident happened.

A week since you confessed your feelings to me.

A week since I confessed to you too.

A week since we had our first date.

Exactly a week since you left me.


I felt like I was the most happiest person in the world on that day.

We were at the park, walking side by side, awkwardly holding hands, just like any other couples.

Some people were staring at us with disgusted look.

But we pretended to not see it.

Because we were too blinded by love.

On that day, we were just sitting on a bench, looking at people around us, then we were stealing glances at each other.

Shyly turned our head quickly when one of us caught the other.

Then I felt like you were staring at me, and I slowly turned my head to stare back in your lovely eyes.

I must admit it, your soft gaze made me melt right away after I look at you.

Then as we were staring at each other, you leaned in and without me realizing it, you planted a soft and quick yet sweet kiss on my lips.

I froze because of the sudden kiss and your face blushed so hard.

As I done processed what had happened, my face turned so red and I felt like I want to hide to somewhere really far away.

We smiled at each other shyly after that.

After a long walk at the park, you brought me to the coffee shop.

It was simple, yet a sweet date.

And I love it very much.

We were talking to each other, telling our live stories.

When suddenly a man coming in and yelled at us,

"Park Chanyeol! How can you do this to me?! You left me because of this girl? Is it because of that? I've been trusting you all this time and you broke my heart by leaving me and date this girl instead!"

I could see tears streaming down his face as he said those words.

I was so confused.

I looked at your face as if asking you to explain the situation.

And you looked at me and at Baekhyun, and then at me, and at Baekhyun again.

Then you said while stuttering,

"B-baekhyun? What are you d-doing here? I... I can explain this. Actually.... your parents has been threatening me that if I don't break up with you, they will hurt my parents. I- I love you so much but I can't let them hurt my parents. I'm so sorry, baby."

I saw that you were crying too as you were explaining to that man named Baekhyun.

I felt very confused and at the same time I felt very mad and sad.

'So he dated me just because he wanted to move on from his previous love? And on top of that, a fucking man?!'

I stared at both of you in disbelief.

Baekhyun bit back his sobs,

"Is that really so? Oh no, honey. I won't ever let my parents hurt your parents. You know how much I love you, right? I will fight for our love no matter how hard it is. Because I love you." Baekhyun gave you a small smile.

You smiled back and stood up then pulled Baekhyun in for a hug.

"I love you too, baby. I'm so sorry for being too dumb to not realize that nothing will stop our love for each other,"

Baekhyun pulled your neck and kissed you passionately and you were returning the kiss.

You kissed another person.

On our first date.

Right after our first kiss.

And it was my fucking first kiss!

Right after both of you pulled away to catch some breathe, Baekhyun dragged you out of the coffee shop.

And it was not before he glared at me while murmuring curse words.

While you were right in front of the exit door, you turned back at me and muttered "I'm sorry" before going out, linked arms with Baekhyun with big happy smiles plastered on each other's faces.

And then there was me,

My first love, Park Chanyeol,

Left me,

With a guy,

On our first date,

A day after we confessed our feelings to each other,


Indeed, it was a lie all this time.

It was the best and the worst day of my life.

The best, because I could feel how it felt to be loved.

The worst, because I got dumped on my first date.

Haha.. funny, right?

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