"Like moans?"

She cleared her throat while agreeing silently.

"Pleasurable ones?"

She coughed at how he said it so freely.

"You get it already," she pursed her lips.

He chuckled playfully while putting a hand under his chin.

"I don't, though,"


"What?" He gave her a puzzled look.

"You," she grumbled. "I really want to hit you,"

"Sure," he smiled at her innocently. "I can be your punching bag, and you'll be my bolster to bed."

Eunseo was confused af as to why she can't seem to control herself every single time Jaehyun made some flirty joke.

"There are people around,"

"But I can only see you,"

"Ugh," she groaned.

"I feel the beat up all night and all day long because it runs in my blood."

"What the chipmunk, Jae?"

"And my blood tells me it craves you,"

"Oh God,"

"Even with the tip of my fingers, I'm drawn to you on the other side of the Earth."


"Girl, I'd like it if there was zero mile between us."

Eunseo got K.O.-ed by his last remark and embarrassedly covered her face. She was so embarrassed of him and how he can say all those when he usually isn't really good with flirty remarks.

"Young lad over there with the young girl,"

Both their attentions turned to an elder sitting a few tables away from them. Eunseo slightly bowed to give respect and to also apologize on behalf of Jaehyun.

"Enough of the sweet talk if you're not going to take her into marriage!"

Jaehyun broke into a shy smile and Eunseo felt like dying out of embarrassment. She looked down at the table while he rubbed his nape awkwardly.

"Do you have any tips, ahjummeoni? I've tried many times." he said jokingly but in such a serious tone.

"What's so hard about it? You kids are too advanced, get a room and do your business."

He went speechless at the suggestion whereas Eunseo hasn't even looked up for over a few minutes. The other customers in the restaurant either snorted, snickered or agreed.

"Ah...that's a bit," he replied nonetheless, though feeling overwhelmed.

"You should've stopped during the bolster part,"


"Are you okay?"

Jaehyun touched Eunseo's shoulder when she got out of the toilet. She looked at him with a slight pout on her face.

"Yeah, the stain just won't come off. Sorry you had to wait long," she replied, dusting her shirt harshly.

"It looks kinda bad,"

"Nah, just a bit wet."

"But it was a sweet drink,"

"It'll dry,"

"Curse that person,"

"Hey! He didn't do it on purpose,"

"Yes, he did. Did you not see his face?"

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