Chapter 24

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*Not edited, I was too tired*

Danielle's POV:

I guess I didn't have to sleep on the streets tonight. Maybe I had a feeling that there was still good in this world. I may have ran into a werewolf a few hours ago, who offered to let me spend some days at her house. Her name was Sharon...I haven't net many Sharons in my life. I sat down awkwardly on the sofa, fiddling with my zipper. 

"So, your name was Danielle, right?" she asked. 

"Yeah it is. long have you been a werewolf for?" I asked curiously. 

"I didn't have the choice. I was born a werewolf...I'm a full blood," she replied. 

The first blood werewolf I have met. I think...unless Wraith was a full blood. Maybe the Sadistic Alpha was. I shuddered. I really didn't want to remind myself of him. His frightening face keeps popping up in my mind. Sharon grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to me. I was very thirsty, so I accepted her offer. 

"Thank you very much for letting me stay. I thought I'd have to sleep on the streets tonight," I said. 

I opened the water bottle and took a few sips before closing it and placing it on the coffee table. She sat down beside me, running her hand through her brunette hair. I felt welcomed for some odd reason. I'm sitting right beside a person who knows my secrets and has them too. Someone who has possibly been through problems like mine. 

"I think that all werewolves should stick together. No werewolf should be alone...we're stronger in packs. So when we see a werewolf who needs our help...we should help," she explained. 

"And humans," I added. 

"No. Humans are nothing but heartless and senseless creatures. You can never trust humans anymore. Just like I'm a werewolf with the looks of a normal girl, a guy could be a hunter with the looks of an innocent boy," Sharon muttered. 

I looked down at the ground. Why do werewolves constantly think that humans cant be trusted. And why are humans always afraid if they hear of any supernatural creature lurking in their town? Why is hunting us down the only solution for them? Why is human hating the only solution for us?

"But that's not true...humans can be trusted. You don't know anything about how humans feel. You have never been  a human. I have. And I've trusted so much people. And they never  broke my trust. Well...most of them at least," I blurted. 

"And the rest? The ones who don't fit into the 'most of them' category. Would you save them knowing that they could shoot you in the head one day and not give a shit about what you did for them?" she yelled. 

"That's the thing! They won't 'shoot me in the head' if they don't truly know what I am! We're hidden Sharon...and they won't hurt us. Because I know that deep inside those 'senseless' a heart that feels. If I was a human and I was face to face with a werewolf, I would leave them alone," I admitted. 

Sharon shook her head, gutting her chin out slightly. Who knew staying over at a werewolf's house would turn into a big debate about humans. 

"You'll only leave them alone because you know that werewolves aren't bad creatures!" she argued. 

"That's the thing! They know nothing! I don't understand why we can't tell them everything and just explain ourselves! Show them that we still have a sense of humanity in us!" I exclaimed. 

Sharon was silent, leaning back in her seat. She tapped her feet slowly, the sound ringing in my ears. A smile grew on her face as she slowly turned her head and looked me in the eye. There was no sound coming from us for a few moments, and I felt a little awkward. 

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