Chapter 1

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I looked down from the platform that I was standing on. It was pretty high, but I've been on it so many times that it doesn't seem like a big deal to me anymore. I looked in front of me and saw my friend waiting for me so far ahead. I took a deep breath and leapt off the platform, watching everything fly past me. I gripped onto the harness and laughed.

"WOOHOOOOOOO!" I cheered.

I loved the flying fox. It's my favourite part of every rope course I go to. The wind just plays with your're just gliding through amazing nature and it just feels so great! I reached the end of the flying fox and landed steadily on the ground. I heard Gabriel walk towards me as I undid my harness.

"How was I?" I asked.

"You were great! You know what else would be great. Eating. In fact, let's go to the café right now!" Gabe offered.

"Yes! I just want to order a-"

"A barbeque chicken pizza with extra BBQ sauce and no onions. Large fries with a side of garlic bread and a can of raspberry Schweppes," Wraith interrupted.

"That is exactly right..." I said smiling.

Gabe knew me too well. People find it weird and stupid to have a guy as your best friend, but it seems completely fine to me. He knows everything  about me. And if there's something he doesn't know, then he'll probably be the first to find out. When someone knows so much about cant just be buddies.

We walked into the café, which didn't have much people in it. It was quite odd, considering the fact that it's always crowded with people. I sat down on a table while Gabe ordered, just in case it gets crowded and we no longer have a place to sit. I leaned back in my seat and sighed. There was a guy on the table next to me, texting, but I couldn't care less. I half closed my eyes and let out another sigh.

"Hey," a deep voice said.

I looked at the guy beside me, who was facing me now. He had his phone put away now, and all his focus was on me. I gave myself a moment to take in his features. Grey eyes. Black hair. A perfect jawline. A very good looking guy overall.

"Hey..." I said right back.

"So...what brings you to this place?" he asked.

"My love for the Flying Fox...and an annoying best friend..." I replied.

He let out a laugh. The first thing that came to my mind was GOD BLESS THAT AMAZING LAUGH!!! He looked at me, his eyes staring right into mine. Something deep down my gut told me that I knew this guy.

"I'm Wraith by the way," he stated.

"Nice to meet you Wraith. I'm-"

"Danielle Parker," he interrupted.

"You...know me?" I managed to say.

Wraith nodded his head slowly, not taking his eyes off me. How does he know me? If he knows who I am, then I definitely must have seen him somewhere. Stalker? Maybe. Stranger? Probably not. Relative? Don't think so. Friend? Definitely not.

"Wraith?" I heard a voice say.

I turned and saw Gabe standing behind me with the tray of food. He was looking at Wraith with an ordinary smile on his face. The way he said Wraith's name shows that he knows him. Gabe placed the tray on the table and sat down.

"Hi Gabriel," Wraith said.

" two know each other?" I probed.

"Danielle? Are you sure your brain is completely functioning right now. This is Wraith Carson," Gabe said.

"Have I met him before?" I asked.

The two of them began laughing. I looked at the two of the confusedly. They made it seem like I knew Wraith. Or that I was an idiot for not knowing who he is. I shot Gabe a death glare so he could stop laughing and answer my question. He always exaggerates everything. Here he is wiping his fake 'tears of laughter'.

"You are one of the stupidest people I've ever met Danielle," Gabe laughed.

"Why? Do I know Wraith that well?" I said confusedly.

"Danielle my dear. Wraith sits right next to you in Math, English and History class. You practically see him every school day," Gabe explained.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Yes," they both said at the same time.

Ok Gabe had a point when he though I was an idiot. How could I forget somebody that I see every day at school. I guess having me best friend sitting beside me most of the time distracts me. Even if Gabe isn't sitting beside me, then I obviously have my other friend Savannah with me. I looked at Wraith and let out an unsure smile. He smiled back and pulled out his phone to look at the time.

"Well I have to get going. I have plans. It was nice seeing the two of you. See you tomorrow at school anyways," Wraith said, getting up and leaving.

Wait. I just remembered tomorrow was our first day of school.

"SHIT!" I yelled.

-----------------------------Next Day------------------------------------

I walked towards my locker and placed my bag inside. I pulled out my schedule and looked at it. I had Math first period. Great. I was going to spend my morning solving problems that aren't mine. I closed my locker and found myself face to face with Wraith. He was leaning on the locker next to mine, with a smile on his face.

"Hi," he said.

"You fricken startled me Wraith!" I exclaimed.

"My good-lookingness shocks all the girls," he laughed.

"Good-lookingness isn't even a word," I muttered.

"I don't think a girl who failed her last English exam should be correcting my grammar," Wraith muttered.

"How did you know-"

"Do I need to remind you that I sit right beside you in that class?" Wraith mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my locker keys in my pocket. I spotted Gabe down the hallway, and he ran towards me. Seeing that Wraith took the locker next to me, Gabe placed his hand on the locker on the other side, claiming it as his. Best Friend? Yup, best friends. Gabe placed his things in his locker and slammed it shut, smiling at me.

"Well...first day of school. Lets get out asses to class!" Gabe said.

I walked with him and Wraith to class.

First day of was so ordinary for me...

Well at least I thought it was... 

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