Laura hasn't been with Cameron for a little while since she is traveling the U.S. with her cheer team. They got to go to states to do what every they do. We all miss her so much but she is in L.A and will be back next week for Magcon.

I stay next to Brent since I haven't seen him all day. I will really miss him when he goes back home!

{Natalie's Pov}

Ugh! When I saw Alison and Matt kissing twice in one day I thought I was going to throw up! I thought of the song "Heartache on the big screen" by 5 Seconds of Summer when I saw them kissing.

Luke made it into a band he told me about it a couple of days ago but I didn't really tell anyone yet. Yeah I listen to their music. I love hearing Luke's voice but it doesn't compare to Shawn's. Luke and I were really good friends before we were dating so I mean that is why I still support him.

I know Luke didn't do that to Nash and I am pretty sure Alyssa knows that Luke didn't do it. Luke might have hurt people with words but he would never ever lay a hand on anyone.

I know it was Marissa. Or at lest I am pretty sure it was her. But I need to focus on one thing at a time.

That is Alison.

"Hey Shawn can you sing me a song?" I asked. "Uh yeah sure let me go get my guitar" he said then left. "Why did you ask him to sing you a song?" Alyssa asked me. "So I could make Alison think that I didn't like Matt even though I might" I whispered to Alyssa. "Oh that smart" she said.

Shawn came back and sat down by me.

"What song do you want me to sing?" he asked. "Little Things! by One Direction! It's one of my favorite songs!" I said. "Sure anything for you" he said then kissed me on the cheek.

"Your hand fits in mine like it was made for me but bear this mind it was meant to be---" he sang. Shawn singing Little Things made me melt. When he was done everyone clapped for Shawn and he blushed.

"Aww Shawn that was amazing!" I said then kissed him. "Thanks babe" he said.

We all went inside since it was already like one in the morning. I said goodnight to the boys then Shawn. Alison wanted to stay the night but I put my foot down and said no. Thank god she left! You could tell that no one likes her but Matthew.

All the girls went up to my room. We all took turns taking showers. When everyone was done we all got to where we were sleeping and then started to talk.

"Ugh I was so glad that Alison left!" Hallie said. "Right she was getting on my nerves!" Madi said.

"Wow I can't believe that Matt doesn't see that she hates everybody but Nash and him!" Alyssa said

. "Uhh she needs to stay away from my man!" Madi yelled. "Calm down Madi it's not like she is just going to break up everyone's relationship!" Alyssa said.

"Guys what if Matthew does ask her out?" I asked. "Then I don't know what would happen" Alyssa said. "Yeah I guess so let's just go to bed" I said then turned off the lights.

My phone buzzed as soon as I was about to fall asleep.

From Luke H.~

Hey Natalie, I know we haven't talked since what happened but I just want to be friends again and I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to my concert on the 21 (they are really coming to Texas on April 21 a/n) and maybe bring Matthew, Cameron, Alyssa? and meet my mates? text me back when you get this.

Xx Luke

I will text Luke back in the morning I am to tired to have a conversation with him right now.

I want to go to the concert but then I don't because it was awkward just texting him some times. I don't think I can just go back being friends with Luke but then me was one of my guy best friends.

I am just going to go to bed and deal with everything in the morning.


Thank you guys so much for the 118.9k!! LIKE REALLY GUYS!!! That is freaking amazing!! I am so happy now!! Ahhh!! I will maybe update again tomorrow or Monday or sometime next week! Thanks for all the votes guys! I love reading all the comments and I always comment back! Anyone want to talk to me? My Kik is thisisnatalie_1 . Thanks so much guys it means a lot! Vote? Comment?

#TeamMatt is life guys!!




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