Chapter 28- Golden Moments

Start from the beginning

"Listen up guys. This is unfortunately, the last game of the season and the last game you'll be playing. This is the last hour of your life. Make it count! In all my fifteen years of coaching you men by far have been the best team ever. Unforgettable. And I'm not just saying that. You men play for Jefferson High; you're a symbolic figure of this school. When you put that jersey on you play for Jefferson High, you're an Eagle! And once and Eagle?-"

"ALWAYS AN EAGLE!" We bombed in loud voices, clapping our helmets.

"Exactly! Never in my fifteen years have I ever said this but I'm going to say this to you. You go out there and kick some preppy boy ass and show them that Jefferson High is a damn good team! Make them eat dirt, make them remember you! Last chance men! Are you ready?!"


"Jefferson High! Number one!"


"Now go play some ball! Football!"


I couldn't be happier to have won my last game in my high school year; one that I'll never forget. It was the best emotion to feel that proud, joyful moment, like victory swimming through my blood stream. One last minute touch down saved us thanks to Dylan who got the game winning ball.

It was even a better moment when I got Kimmy to dance with me on the field as the confetti flown around the air, bits of red, gold, and white thin paper getting stuck in her hair. She was still perfect with chapped lips and a red nose and cheeks. Then I noticed Spencer, and the happy moment only faded slightly since him and Kimmy danced and jumped around on the field.

We had a quick five minute victory party down in the locker rooms still laughing at the last minute, picture perfect moment, when King and I dumped the Gatorade on Coach Phil. Everyone said their short good byes meeting each other at the party.


Kim's POV

Somehow we- as in Maddi, Katie, and I- all ended up at my house getting ready for the victory party at Dylan's. Even with a big house like mine somehow it didn't help for three girls to shower, change, and do makeup and hair. We helped each other out, and that why it was hard having three girls in one bathroom.

By the way, dark red lipstick is hard to get off your cheek. You keep rubbing and rubbing and then you don't even know any more if it's the actually lipstick stain, or just your cheek turning red from all the rubbing. Aggravating I tell you.

Katie continued to curl my hair, even after she burnt my skin one to many times. Maddi sat on the counter top as I did her eyeliner and eye shadow a very natural but smoke eye look. It was like a train or an assembly line. Katie would do my hair, I'd do Maddi's eyes. After everything was finished Maddi would do Katie's hair, Katie would do my eyes, and the line would keep going until we were all done.

"It's already nine o'clock." Katie mentions, hoping onto the counter top for her turn on eye makeup.

"We'll just be fashionably late, that all." Maddi mentions, looking through all the colors I had for eye shadow. "You have a lot of nice makeup, Kim."

"Yeah, and I use it occasionally because I have nowhere special to wear it to." I chuckle, pushing a long pair of socks up my soft shaved legs.

"Are you going to wear your brown riding Frye boots or those small black ones?" Katie asks, with her eyes closed. She would know I was preparing to put my riding boots on if she had her eyes open.

"The brown ones. Covers more of my skin so I'm not so cold." I reason, pulling up the other sock so that it hit mid-calf.

"Cool sock, Kim. That's a cool tribal pattern, and it goes with your outfit." Maddi chuckles a compliment when she looks over. I looked down realizing my socks where gray with some tribal designs in maroon. They were pretty cool looking.

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