Karen waved her hand.  "The baby version of the mega drop. The thing only goes like two feet in the air." She lied.

He relaxed a little. "Okay, that's good, because for a second there I thought you were gonna have me on some crazy ride." He chuckled to himself.

She let out a nervous laugh as she eyed the man beside her. "Yeah." She replied as the guy working the ride stepped behind his booth and pressed on one of the buttons. As soon as his finger lifted, the ride shifted into motion. They shot up into the air, slowly stopping at the top. Karen glanced down to see the crowd of people who now looked like ants. Mr. Foster was breathing deeply.

      "What in the world was that!" He demanded, trying to lift up his safety bars.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Karen offered.

Mr. Foster let out a curse. "I'll do whatever the heck I want to. You can't keep me on this ride!" He yelled. He tried to reach for the safety bar again when the ride immediately dropped. Everyone was yelling so loudly that if she wasn't listening hard enough she would have missed the unmanly shrieks coming from beside her.


After they had gotten off of the ride, they found a bench to sit down on. Karen had told Mr. Foster to wait for her until she came back. Of course, he hadn't said one word to her since they had gotten off of the ride. Although, she found the whole ordeal hilarious.

Five minutes after waiting in line to get some ice cream, she headed back to the bench where he was sitting. His head was laying between his legs and he made no sign of moving. She sat down beside him and tapped his shoulder.

           "I got you some ice cream." She said grabbing his hand and guiding the cone to his hand. He took it from her and sat up. They both ate in silence before he spoke up.

"There is seriously something wrong with you."

She looked up from her vanilla ice cream, frowning. "What do you mean?"

He shot a look in her direction. His head wasn't actually facing the right way. She wanted to laugh, but knew it would be mean. He pointed a finger. "You took me to a buffet this morning, you dragged me to an amusement park, you made me ride a ride that almost took my life-"

      She rolled her eyes. "Oh, stop being dramatic."

He continued. "As I was saying, you made me get on a ride that was far from safe, the whole time laughing instead of yelling like any normal person would do."

          "I guess i'm not normal."

He held out his cone. "And to top the icing on the worst day ever, you brought me strawberry ice cream."

      She took a bite of her cone. "So?"

"I don't like strawberry ice cream." He said blandly.

She squared her shoulders. "Well, what type of ice cream do you like?" She said irately.

He gave a shrug. "Not sure, but lately I've been craving chocolate." He said lowly, "Not really sure why."

She felt a slight blush rise to her cheeks. She pushed it away. "I'll go get your dang chocolate." She stood up from the bench, coming to a stop when his hand reached for hers.

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