Chapter 9 : Wedding

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  • Dedicated to Jung chawoong who sacrificed his life to save his friend

     NO ONE POV :

     It's our prince manager jung hoon wedding ! Finally he decided to propose to Jung nah (I don't know her real name so I invented this ) . They have been together for a long time ,that Jung-nah thought he would never do it ! But she was wrong. He called her that day asking her for a dinner ,she said yes and agreed to meet at 7. He picked her up, but instead of going to their usual restaurant. They went to the roof. There was a beautiful table with fancy two chairs and red candles waiting for them.

     She was surprised . It has been a while since jung hoon did any romantic thing like this. They sat and ate dinner while chatting. He asked he for a dance, but in the middle of the song, Jung hoon told her he needs to got to somewhere and to wait for him. She stood watching the amazing sight of Seoul in the night when she felt someone staring at her. She slowly turned to find Jung hoon kneeling on one knee 

" Jung hoon oppa ! "

" I want to tell you something so please listen " She nodded and she had this feeling of mysterious happiness 

" We have been together for a long time. We went through a lot of bad times and crises together. We fought . Got mad at each other. But we also shared wonderful memories together . Amazing times we spent acting like crazy, idiots and loving each other more and more. I dated a lot of girls , but the moment I saw you , I knew you are the one. And you proved to me that I made the right choice every day since.

     I loved you, and the only thing I find my self doing since I admitted my feelings for you is just to keep loving you more and more. There are a lot of things that I'm not certain of , but One thing I'm 100 % sure of is that my feelings for you will never change , ever. I love you jung-nah ,I love you so much that I want to spend my life with you . Will you marry me ? "

Jung hoon put his hand in his pocket to reveal a cute little red box that contains a silver ring with a diamond  . Jung-nah smiled widely and she felt her tears about to fall from happiness !

" Yes ! YES .I'll marry you jung hoon . I love you "

" I love you too "

They spend the night together and he drove her home. Jung hoon was so happy that he couldn't hold it. He drove to SJ dorms to share the news with them ....................

It has been three-tiring weeks. With all the SM busy with this wedding ! You will not find anybody resting or slacking. Even the media was talking about the big day! It felt like some international day or something . Presents started to be received from the fans of all fandoms, especially the ELF. Their Prince manager is getting married and becoming a king !  Prince manager was loved and respected by every one and that's why every employ in the SM wanted to help in making his wedding perfect. Jung-nah also was a lovely girl that everyone loved too. She was a personification of what a real lady is. 

Rasha and Nari being the maids of honors were extremely exhausted. Between preparing for the big day and the party and every thing . They turned to robots. Wake up early and sleep lately.....

The big day is after tomorrow. Rasha sent jung-nah to a spa to remove all the stress out. It was her day and she must look perfect. At first Jung-nah refused but eventually she approved. Sure Rasha didn't trust her enough so she sent Nari with her to make sure not to step one step out of the spa. She assured Jung-nah that she will take care of every thing so there was no need to worry about anything. Prince manger couldn't escape either. Even though it was his wedding, he was still drowning himself with work ! So the only solution was to send him to a spa too. Rasha asked Lee So man sunbaenim to go with him knowing that only him can stop Jung hoon if he decided to come back 

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