My Mafia Boss (Pt. 2)

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

"Sir there's someone who wants to see you"Jin said"ok leave them here"I said turning my chair I saw a not so short male with pink hair(I know that this is not his new color of his hair) with an oversized sweater and his wearing a tight jeans and some nikes, and I may say he's hot.

"Yes?"I asked"Im here to apply"he said with a cold tone"okay"I said examining him"Mr. Kim! Please give him the contract"I yelled"yes sir" Jin gave him the contract and a ballpen, "Btw Im sorry I didn't catch your name but may I know?"I asked"Im Park Jimin, 22 years old(korean age)" "Ok Mr. Park may I know what do you want to be?"I asked"To be your daddy"I choked on my own saliva when I heard that is this guy insane!?.

"You're blushing baby" ok I am literally done with this guy"Stop it"I said glaring at him"Aww is my baby glaring at me?"he teased"please stop or do you want to keep this job?"I said gritting my teeth.

"To be honest this is just a dare baby, so if i was you you should be greatful to see me"he winked at me did he just really do that!? "Bye see ya, Dream about me when you sleep"he said smirking at me I wish I could just erase his face right now.

*Skip! I just wanted to get the Best parts!!😍*

"Welcome home son"My mom greeted me with a smile"Hi Eomma"I said sweetly then hug her"aww my little bunny are you hungry?"she asked"Yes I am"I said giggling"so cute! You could sit down for a min while I prepare your food okay?"she said I just nodded, I sit on the couch then turn on the TV.

"Im Park Jimin, 22 years old"

"To be your Daddy"

"You're blushing baby"

"Aww is my baby glaring at me?"

"To be honest this is just a dare baby, so if I was you you should be grateful to see me"

"Bye See ya, Dream about me when you sleep"

"Who is that Park Jimin guy?"I asked myself"BunBun? Are you okay? You're turning red"My mom said snapping in my own thoughts, I touch my cheeks which is burning right now"N-Nothing"I stuttered I hate that guy so much!

"Im Home!!!"My sister got home"Hello my big girl!"My mom said"Hi Noona! Where's my present?"I asked receiving a laugh from her"You're still acting like a 5 year old boy even your a Mafia Boss"she said"Still! My present???"I said,she handed me out a box of cookies with a note on it.

Hello~ My Baby Bunbun wish you a good luck in your job, always be happy! Smiling is a must because I'll be there tomorrow!! Exciting right??? Hyung miss you so much~

~Love, Hyungie BamBam

"Hyung is going home tomorrow!?"I asked excitedly "Yes!"Chloe Noona said then hugged me"now go put in the fridge you're going to eat that tomorrow"she said"but-" "no buts! You're eating a lot of cookies till yesterday!"she lectured me, I just pouted at her then put the box of cookies in the fridge.

"Oh Jungkook look! There's another present!"My mom said I looked outside the door revealing a big box what's that? I carried it inside the house then open it, "Oh my god!"I said shockingly I carried it then put it on my lap"what is it!? Omg!"Noona said then squealed"Its a puppy!?"I said then hugged it.

"What would you name it?"Mom asked"Gureum?"I asked"that's a good one! There'a note by the way"Mom said then give me the note.

Here A cute puppy for you since you're cute too baby ;)
See you tomorrow cutie ;)

~Your Soon to be Daddy ;)

I widen my eyes this guy know my address!? But How!?"So Sweetie? Who is it?"My mom asked"i-its a friend"I said putting the note inside my pocket"That Friend of yours is too kind to give you a puppy"Noona said then patted Gureum's head.

"Here BunBun your food"Mom said handing a plate of food"Gomawo~"I said.

"Do you want too Gureumie??"I said Gureum wiggled his tail means yes"ok Here you go"I said"so cute~"I said while watching him eat.

Jimin's POV

"I know Tae!"I said when he fanboy about Jungkook"look at those thighs men when he sit like a feminine girl!"Tae said"you sound like a rapist"I said"Yah just shut up" Tae said.

"Oh shit he's going upstairs! Lets follow him"He said"are you seriously going to stalk him?"I asked"Yeah what do you think?"He said then climb the ladder.

"He's sleeping dude, let's go!"I said"wait! Look!"Tae said so I took a peek then widen my eyes from what I saw"he's fucking dreaming about you dude Oh my god!"Tae said laughing.

I move my ear near the window and I swear I want to hear that all night long we heard some "Jimin!Fuck that so good!" And "Faster Daddy"s

"Get ready Tomorrow dude and also take my sex stuffs you'll need it"Tae winked then jump out the ladder.

Hm Should I Jeon Jungkook?


Pt. 2😘

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