Innocent Prisoner

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Sembreak <3

"Yah you said you're going to come with me!"Taehyung pouted as he grabbed Jungkook's hand"Well i didn't promise it so"Jungkook grinned letting his hand go"That's not fair! I always come with you all the time but you just come with me sometimes!"He yelled like a kid.


"Ahh Fine!"I said defeatedly"ok!"He jumped then get the keys"lets go!"he smiled opening the door while I sighed going outside with him"wait"he halted"what?"I asked"go change your clothes you look like a prisoner by that or some robbery"He said pointing at my clothes"i wont"I said walking past him"But! You really look like one what if a police officer might mistaken you as a robber?"he said"Just lets go and hurry up okay?"I said"fine whatever"he said .

"Look this one looks expensive right?"Taehyung said getting the necklace with a ring on it"dunno im not a staff here"I shrugged"Umm Hello! How much is this?" (Jimin is that you?) I looked around the jewelry shop spotting a necklace with 'JK' on it I was suppose to buy it but I noticed the price it was more expensive than I thought.

"Jungkook!"Taehyung called"Yes hyung?"I asked"here"he smiled putting something on my neck"what's that?"I asked"a necklace!"He said finished doing it.

"Aww thank you Taehyung!"I said hugging him"Welcome!"He said hugging me back.


We heard yelling on the other side seeing a thief running away with many necklaces"there he is!"A police officer said pointing at me, wait ME!? "Please come with us"The police officer said"Yah! My bestfriend didn't do anything!"Tae argued"Sir, we'll just talk with him" "No! He didn't do anything why would you take him away if he didn't do anything!"Tae said as the others put handcuffs on me "I-I didn't do anything!"I said.


"No please! I swear it wasn't me!"I said begging "Sir we saw you steal those necklaces"the chief said then he commanded the others something, later then they pushed me to a fancy room after removing the handcuffs then closed the door"please! let me out!"I cried then looked beside me seeing a shorter male with two girls beside him, he looked straight into my eyes making me look away"Come here"he commanded but I ignore it"I said come here!"he shouted making me flinch as I walked towards him.

"Sit here"he said patting his lap, and as a good boy not wanting to be shouted again I sit on his lap feeling something poking my hole.

"Hmm fuck your ass looks so meaty including your thighs"he groaned grabbing my ass making me yelp"Daddy"Said the one girl tracing her fingers on his jawline"what do you want us to do with this baby boy?"she asked making me nervous "strip him"he said letting me go as I chanted no at them "stop wiggling you slut!"she said then slapped me as a tear fall from my eyes.

After removing my clothes leaving me naked they move back looking satisfied"Now come here"The guy said as I walk timidly to him"Im Jimin but you can call me daddy"he smirked pulling me down then kiss me as I straddle him making me uncomfortable.

He touched my dick making me flinch since im sensitive.

"Look at this buddy ,it wants me to touch it"he said looking at me deeply as I squirm"Jimin!"I yipped when he rubbed my dick, I started grinding on him making him groan"fuck stop that baby"He said grabbing my thighs giving it a little squeeze.

"Now lets start the fun"he said making me stand up pulling down his pants.


"Ah fuck aahhh Daddy!"I moaned as he thrusted faster while the two girls who is holding a vibrator putting it near my nipples "Ah ah! F-fuck ah p-please n-no Im s-sensitiVE!!!!"I yelpped as I spurt out my seeds.

"Cummed already?"he said in a deep voice"Im sorry I cant hold it"I said"hmm cute, its fine"he smiled then thrusted deeper"AH!"I gasped then the two girls started to handcuff me and put ropes on my both legs hanging it up"w-what?" "Its getting boring"he said then pulling out as I winced at the pain.

"Sh-shit! Fuck yes!"I moaned feeling a wet substance licking my hole"you like that huh? When daddy fucks you with my tongue?"he said gripping my thighs"Yes Yes! Baby loves it!"I moaned, he thrusted his tongue inside me making my dick leak some of precum"Ahh ahh nngghh!! Shit shit!"I moaned when the other girl pumped my dick as Jimin fasten his pace.

My legs starts to tremble as I close my legs trapping Jimin but he spreaded it wide making me feel more pleasure"ah ah!"I screamed feeling that im near"im cumming daddy!"I moaned.

I cummed at the girl's hand making her lick her hand"fuck that was good"she said"Lisa uncuff him"Jimin said"ok Jimin-ssi"she said as he remove the handcuffs.

I look at Jimin's dick seeing it leak some making me grabbed it"fuck what are you doing"he moaned as I pumped his dick"making daddy feel good"I said licking his dick"Ahh fuck yes baby"he moaned grabbing my hair gently then I took it all over my mouth"ahh shit your mouth feels good"he moaned thrusting in my tongue as I deep-throated him.

"Fuck Imma cum baby"he said gripping my hair tightly warning me.

He cummed inside my mouth as I swallow his cum.

He grabbed my chin then kiss me suddenly"I love you"he muttered at the kiss"I love you too"I said as I continued kissing him he hugged me putting a blanket covering us"sleep now we need to wake up early tomorrow"he smiled"how about the girls?"I asked"oh dont worry they're sleeping"he said removing the blanket as we look ta the both seeing it cuddle up each other"they're cute"I said"yeah but not as cuter than you"he winked"oh stop!"I giggled.



𝗕𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon