The light from candle revealed the figure. He wore a black tuxedo, had groomed black hair, red eyes, and wore a pair of white gloves. He looked around the same age as her, barely able to pass off as a student if he wore a school uniform.

"Slash... Suits..." Mrs. Burns spoke up. The two instantly stood up straight as she walked in the dark room. "It seems you two were enjoying yourselves during my absence."

"N... Not at all, my lord." Slash said. "What is it you have summoned me for?"

"I am disappointed in your latest efforts to challenge Marko Tenkou. I told you not to not confront her, but yet you insisted that you'll see to it that her strength is recongized."

"Well, that was just one time! I was unprepared at that moment!"

"No excuses, Slash. We cannot afford to mess up. It will cost you your life when you do."

"Y... Yes, ma'am."

She turned to Suits. "Suits, I want you to test the Dark Tenkou's abilities. Retreat once Marko Tenkou shows. Do not engage full combat yet and do not kill."

He bowed. "As you wish, my lord."

"Hey!" Slash spoke up. "How come he gets to go, but I don't?!"

"It's simple, my short tempered ally. I know how to listen to orders and you don't."

"Please, since when could you control your..." she stopped when he placed a hand to her face with blinding speed.

"Do not mention my previous faults, Slash. Or... should I say Sla Ash now. You seem quite the girl to give yourself a name." Suits chuckled as he left.

"Oh, how I hate that freaking pervert! He's even more annoying that other perv!" she stomped her feet in anger.

"Calm yourself, Slash." Mrs. Burns stopped her and left to the door. "Let's go back to class."

"Y... Yes, ma'am!" she followed.

Outside of the school entrance, Marko and Titania walked to the front of the gates.

"Hey, Marko. Have you heard about burning tress?" Titania brought up.

"Burning tress?" she asked.

"Yeah, more some reason there were trees that were burnt on the branches when we had that assembly once a few days."

"A few weird things have been happening around school lately. Like that scream down the hallway or that one time when it rained, one of the teachers, Mr. Gin, walked into the infirmary with a lot of bruises. He didn't say anything about it at all."

"Do you think this has something to do with the betraying Tenkou?"

"Probably not. Maybe something else is going on."

Just as they reached the gates, a girl with long black hair passed by them. Marko noticed she carried the same school bag with the Koma keychain.

"Hey... excuse me!" she called out to the girl.

The girl stopped and turned to her. She had a beautiful face with black eyes that seemed to had a dark, yet settling aura to them. She wore the same female school uniform as the other girls, but it had a darker tone to it.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Where did you get that keychain from?" Marko asked. "I... um... wanted to know where I can get it."

The girl looked at her keychain. "I apologize, this is a one of a kind keychain. A good friend gave this to me." she turned to leave.

"Whoever gave you that wouldn't happen to be me by any chance, right?"

The girl stopped and once again turned to her. This time her eyes were more serious.

"So you remember me, Marko Tsuna. Or should I say, Marko Tenkou?"

"You know her?" Titania asked.

"Yeah... you could say that." Marko answered, but had a bit of guilt to it. "Shani, are you Tenkou as well?"

"Yes." Shani confirmed. "What a coincidence we meet again. This time in the same class and Tenkous... I'm surprised you're now just noticing. I've been sitting behind you since the first day of school."

"Sorry, I didn't really notice you."

"That doesn't surprise me. Most Tenkous don't notice one another until our powers come into being or when we met our heroes."

"Shani... me and Titinia are joining alliances with the other..."

"Not interested." she quickly shot her down.


"I guess you didn't hear me, Marko. I'm not interested in joining whatever group you are a part of. It's bad enough I have to see you again." this time when she turned to leave, she didn't turn back.

"Shani, wait..."

"Forget we ever met, don't talk to me, and don't ask me again. Just forget about me... forever..."

Marko TenkouWhere stories live. Discover now