fifty-nine | chloe

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"This place is huge!" Audrey gawked as the group enter the waterpark.
"It really is!" Daniel said, turning to Gordon. "Thanks for bringing us here."

Gordon chuckled and shook his head. "It's no problem at all. Now, let's find somewhere for me to sit and you guys can have some fun!"

Charlie frowned. "You're not coming with us?"
Gordon shrugged. "I might come on some things. But I've got some things to sign now that we've got some new ducks joining the flock." He looked at Daniel, Jake and Addison.

The three of them beamed back at him.
"You're joining us?" Dwayne's eyes lit up.
Gordon nodded. "I'd like you all to welcome the newest members of the Ducks!" He clapped.
Everyone hollered and cheered.

Chloe ran over to her friends. "You're part of the team?"
They all nodded as Chloe squealed. "That's great! Congrats, guys!"

"How about over here?" Goldberg pointed to a group of empty chairs beside the snack bar.

"Right beside the snack bar!" Fulton chuckled as Goldberg's cheeks heated up.

"Looks great." Gordon smiled.
Everyone ran over to the chairs and made sure to claim one before someone else could. Once they'd all chucked their towels and clothes on their chairs, they all ran off to different pools and slides.

Chloe, Connie, Julie, Averman, Luis, Adam and Addison made their way to the three highest and steepest slides in the park. They were all tunnels, with different colours. Luis wanted to go on the red one, which, of course, was the highest.

"I don't know about this..." Addison laughed nervously.
Luis slapped her on the back. "You can do this, Addison."
Addison winced. "Thanks, Mendoza, but that kinda hurt."

Luis smirked. "Oo, sorry. How about a hug of forgiveness?"
Addison laughed. "Perhaps when you're wearing a shirt."

Luis smiled. "I'm gonna quote you on that later."
Averman rolled his eyes. "He's never gonna get a girlfriend." He said as Chloe and Addison went ahead.
Luis smirked and tutted his head. "Just you wait, Averman."

Adam laughed before running up the stairs to catch up with Chloe and Addison.

"For the record, I'm with you on this one." Adam told Addison.
Chloe and Addison laughed.
"Me too." Chloe said. "But you only live once, so I'm gonna do it, and you're not chickening out now, cake eater."

Adam cocked a brow. "Cake eater, huh?"
Chloe nodded and shrugged. "Instead of calling you Banksy for once."
"How creative of you." He said sarcastically, making Chloe giggle.

Luis forced the group to go on the highest slide out of the three, which none of them were happy about - apart from Luis, of course.

Luis clapped his hands together as the girl in front of them was about to go down the slide. "Who's going first?" He asked with a grin.

Chloe sighed. "Might as well get this over with."
Luis cheered and stepped aside so Chloe could go in front.

Chloe listened as the girl in front of her slid down. Her screams quickly became more distant. "It's pretty quick, Chloe, five seconds, tops." She mumbled to herself.

"Down you go!" Averman exclaimed.
Chloe snapped her head around and glared at him. "I'm going. Make sure you don't leak on your way down, Averman."

Luis, Adam and Addison laughed as Averman playfully rolled his eyes. "Very funny-" He trailed off once he realised Chloe wasn't there anymore.

Chloe was laid down with her arms crossed over her chest. At first, she started to scream, but soon enough the water was beginning to choke her at the speed she was going.

Chloe panicked, but within a few seconds later, she was out. Chloe pushed herself up and pulled the wet strands of hair out of her face.

She stepped out of the slide and breathed out a sigh of relief. "Apart from feeling like I'm drowning, that wasn't too bad."

Chloe could hear Addison coming down after her. Within a few seconds, someone shot out of the slide. Chloe covered her mouth to try and hide her laughter when she saw Luis get up and brush his hair out of his face.

"What's so funny?" Luis questioned.
"Nothing." Chloe snickered. "I just thought you were Addison."

"Huh?" Luis raised an eyebrow as they heard someone else coming down.
This time, it was Addison.

"That was great!" She grinned as she jumped up and ran over to Luis and Chloe.

Luis rubbed the back of his neck. "Sure was." He said, unsurely.
Chloe and Addison chuckled.

Adam and Averman showed up about fifteen seconds later - they both hated it and swore to never go on it again.

"How about something a little more calm?" Averman suggested, still trying to recover from the red water slide.

"That one over there looks fun!" Chloe pointed at a wide tunnel with a surprisingly small queue.
"I think that's one of the slides where you go down on a raft." Adam said.
"You sure?" She asked.

Adam took his hand in hers for the first time today, making Chloe smile. "I've been on it before. It fits 4 people, but-"

"Hey, guys!" Goldberg called. The five teenagers spun around to see him, Jake and Julie. "You guys goin' on the raft ride?"

Adam nodded. "You wanna join us? Then it's even numbers."
Julie's eyes lit up. "Sure! Let's go!"

Chloe went down with Adam, Julie and Jake, whilst Addison went with Luis, Averman and Goldberg.

It was fun, apart from the time Goldberg almost fell off because he let go for about three seconds.

"If you're told to hold on, you gotta hold on!" Averman lectured Goldberg as they made their way to snack bar.

Goldberg rolled his eyes. "Sorry, mom."
Chloe chuckled.
"You want anything?" Adam asked Chloe.
She shook her head. "I'm good. I actually wanna go in the pool."

Adam's lips curved into a grin. "Me too."
"How many pools have they got here anyways?" Chloe asked, looking around at the multiple pools.
"A lot." Adam laughed. "There's some kids pools, but they're full of piss."

Chloe winced. "Gross. We should try and convince someone to go down that slide and into the kids pool." Chloe pointed at a slide coming out of a pirate ship.

Adam eagerly nodded. "We should!"
"I'm thinking either Daniel or Luis..." Chloe grinned.
Adam smirked and threw his arm around Chloe as they walked along the edge of a large pool. "How about both?"

"Sounds great..." Chloe slowly wriggled out of Adam's arms. "but, first..."
Before Adam could respond, Chloe pushed him into the pool.

Gordon was sat by the chairs near the pool and began to laugh. "Good one, Chloe!"
Chloe gave him a thumbs up.

"Hey!" Adam shouted, whipping his hair out of his face.
Chloe snickered. "I'm sorry, I had to!"
She quickly jumped in before Adam could pull her into the pool.
When she reached the surface of the pool, she pulled her hair out of her face with a smile.

"I feel like a drowned rat." Her phrase made her laugh even more.
"You look beautiful, Chloe." Adam replied.
She smiled and kissed Adam. "I'm gonna miss you."

Adam gave her a soft smile. "I'm gonna miss you too."

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