nineteen | adam

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"Where's our concentration?" Gordon questioned as Adam and the rest of Team USA gathered around him.

Ever since what happened yesterday, Adam had lost a lot of motivation and the fact that Iceland were dominating Team USA wasn't helping.

On top of that, Gordon had changed. Adam didn't know why, but he didn't like it.

"You guys are out there running around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!" He snapped.

"We're doing our best." Jesse defended.
"Well your best isn't good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination! You guys might wanna go home early, but I sure as heck don't."

What Gordon said hit Adam hard. If they lost, they'd only have one more loss until they're out of the game. That meant that he'd be going home sooner than expected, which also meant he wouldn't be able to see Chloe.

Even though she said she couldn't come to see him play, he wanted to do everything he could to see her.

After members of Team USA taking multiple shots at the net and missing, Adam got hold of the puck.

He skated into the Iceland zone and dodging any players that got in his way. When he was about a metre away from the net, he swung his hockey stick into the air and knocked the puck into the goal.

"Yeah, we got one!" Adam cheered as some of his team members skated up to him.

Just then, Sanderson, who was playing on the Iceland team, appeared and hit Adam's wrist with his hockey stick.

Adam yelled in pain and dropped his hockey stick. He held his wrist in his hand and looked at it in pain. Team USA and members of the crowd yelled as the linesman took Sanderson to the penalty box.

"Are you okay, man?" Charlie asked as he, Connie and Guy came up to him.
Adam winced. "I'm okay."

His friends nodded before skating off and cheering, since they'd finally scored a goal.

Adam took his glove off and looked at his wrist, that was beginning to turn a mix of red, brown and purple.

He was switched with Luis in the end, and Gordon wouldn't let him play for the rest of the match.


"12-1... 12-1. Do you know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Pathetic! You guys were brought here to play hockey!" Gordon yelled.

"What about you?" Jesse spoke up.
"What about me, Jesse?"
"Coach Stansson knew everything about us; they were ready for us!" Julie stated.

"Yeah, and you spend your time driving around in convertibles and talking to all those sponsor fools." Luis added.

"Or hanging with the Iceland lady." Fulton said. "We saw you two Saturday night!"

Adam watched as Gordon's jaw clenched.

"Eating ice-cream with enemy, huh, coach?" Dean scowled.
The team looked at each-other and grumbled. Adam kept his eyes on Gordon, with his eyes narrowed.

"Hey! Hey, what I do is none of your business, is that clear?" Gordon told them.

Jesse scoffed and Guy shook his head. The team started to take off their gear, but Gordon stopped them.

"Don't take those pads off! Everyone stay in your gear. We have practise."


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