fourty-five | everyone

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In the end, Dean won. The group of friends were now gathered around in the centre of the rink. The Ducks wanted to play a fun match, and they were about to choose their teams.

"I forgot to ask earlier, but where's Gordon?" Chloe whispered to Adam, whilst Dean and Goldberg argued over who should be one of the captains.

"I don't what time it is, but he said he'd be here at around 1pm." Adam replied.

"C'mon, Goldberg! You're a goalie! You can't be captain!" Dean argued.
Goldberg scoffed. "That's ridiculous! I'd be a great captain!"

Riley laughed. "Guys, shut up! Charlie's one of the captains, so why can't someone from my side of our group be one?"

"Chloe!" Luis yelled, nudging Averman and grinning.
Averman nodded and began chanting Chloe's name.

Soon enough, everyone had joined in. Chloe rolled her eyes and nodded. "Okay, okay, fine!"

"How about Banksy takes my spot as captain? Have a little battle between the boyfriend and girlfriend?" Charlie smirked, glancing over at Adam.

Adam nodded and smirked. "I like the sound of that."
Chloe sighed and turned to her boyfriend. "Okay. Can we pick who we want?"

"How about I choose?" Someone asked, making the teenagers jump. They all turned to a man with brown hair wearing a white mighty Ducks hockey jersey - the same the team wore when they won the Junior Goodwill Games.

"Gordon!" Charlie grinned.
"That's your coach right?" Daniel asked Julie, who nodded.

Gordon smiled and skated over to them. "You must be my team's friends."

Chloe and her friends nodded as Gordon turned to Chloe. "You must be Adam's girlfriend." He held out his hand for her to shake.

Chloe nodded and shook his hand. She then pointed at each of her friends as she introduced them. "This is Daniel, Audrey, Addison, Jake, Luke and Riley."

Gordon waved at them, and they all waved back.

"So," Gordon began, clapping his hands together. "I think..." He bit his lip and scanned the teenagers.

"Luis, you go with Chloe."
"Yes!" Luis rolled the 's' and punched the air. Chloe laughed.

"Julie, Guy and Addison, you go with Adam." Gordon continued. "Daniel, Goldberg and Charlie with Chloe..."


"Alright," Gordon yelled, skating over to boards and pressing his back against them. "let's play hockey!"

Gordon had chosen the teams and made sure that Chloe had one extra person since Adam had a lot of good players on his team.

"First to five, lets go!" Charlie yelled.
"This is a bad idea." Chloe mumbled to Connie.
Connie shook her head. "We're gonna win this." She smirked.

Jesse, who was on Adam's team, had the puck. Luis swiftly took it from him and began skating at a fast pace. "Chloe!" He shouted.

Chloe's head snapped towards his direction. Her eyes widened when he passed the puck to her. "Are you serious, Luis?!"

"Skate!" Luis laughed.
Chloe saw Jake skating up to her with a smirk. "Oh no," She muttered.

Chloe began to skate. Within a few seconds, she lost her balance but quickly managed to maintain. As she neared the goal, she knew that it would be stupid to attempt to score so, she passed it to the first person on her team that she saw: Connie.

"Hey, Chloe!" Adam shouted. She spun around to see him skating up to her. "You could've scored from there."

Chloe laughed and shook her head. "I can skate - not score."
Adam made a 'pft' noise. "It's not that hard. C'mon," He stopped himself and kissed her.

"Hey, cake-eater! Stay on your own team!" Jesse interjected.
"Yeah, captain!" Guy mocked.
Adam pulled away and playfully rolled his eyes. "C'mon, you can do it."

Adam then started to skate away, back onto his zone of the rink. He stopped beside Julie and the net.

"Yes, Connie!" Dean yelled, making Chloe turn around.
She smiled when she saw Connie's arms in the air, and her team congratulating her.

Chloe skated over to her and high-fived her. "You were right about what you said earlier - we've got this!" Connie exclaimed.

Chloe smirked and nodded. "Next time we're near the goal, set me up, I'll try and shoot."
Connie grinned and put her hand on her shoulder. "Got it."

Chloe missed her first attempt at scoring, but next time, she scored. But instead of Connie setting her up, it was Averman.

"I knew you could do it!" Adam smiled as he skated up to her and hugged her.

Chloe was about to lean in and kiss him, but Adam backed away. "But now that you're two up, it's gonna get serious." He smirked.

"I'm trembling." Chloe said, sarcastically. She put her hands on his shoulders. "Bring it on, boyfriend."

a/n: was that cheesy? probably. I hope you guys liked this chapter and you're enjoying the story - sorry it's so long 😂

- olivia x

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