fourty-five | everyone

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Everyone was disappointed when they tied in the end, so Gordon decided that they'd have a penalty shoot out.

Like their match against Iceland, each team chose 5 people and they'd see what would happen from there.

The five people on Chloe's team were: Charlie, Chloe, Daniel, Connie and Riley. The five people on Adam's team were: Fulton, Jesse, Adam, Addison and Guy.

Both Luis and Audrey wanted to be one of the five, but both teams knew that neither of them could stop, so they thought it would be smart if they didn't.

Both Charlie and Connie scored against Julie, but Chloe unfortunately missed.

Adam, Jesse and Fulton scored, but Addison and Guy didn't.

Daniel scored for Chloe's team too, equalising them. Riley was the last on Chloe's team to shoot and she scored the winning goal.

Chloe team skated onto the ice and hugged Riley.

Gordon laughed and cupped his hands over his mouth. "And, Chloe's team wins! There you have it, folks!"

Dean yelled and skated around the rink and threw his hockey stick to the side. "Yeah! Take that, Fulton!"

Fulton dropped his hockey stick and started to skate towards Dean at full speed. The two began to playfight once again as Adam skated over to Chloe. "Well, you won." He breathed out, rubbing the back of his neck.

Chloe laughed. "I only scored once. I hardly contributed to anything."
Adam furrowed his brows. "Yes you did."

Chloe shrugged, making Adam smile. He kissed her forehead and cupped her cheeks. "You wanna get something to eat with everyone?"

Chloe grinned and nodded. "I'd love that."

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