twenty-six | chloe

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"I can't believe we're actually here." Audrey said as the group made their way down the row until they found their seats.

Once they sat down, Chloe heavily exhaled.

"Aw, look Chloe's nervous." Jake teased. Chloe leaned over Riley and slapped his knee. "Shut up, Jake."

"I'm nervous for the team too. I mean, Iceland are pretty rough and Adam could get hurt again."

Addison gave Chloe a smile. "It'll be fine, don't worry."

"That's a lie." Luke mumbled.
Chloe turned to him and shot him a glare.

"Live in California, it's Team USA vs Iceland in the hockey finals of the Junior Goodwill Games!"

"Hi, everybody, this is Bob Miller along with Jack Burmit and we're pleased to have you with us for what seems like an exciting title game tonight!"

Everyone cheered, including Chloe and her friends, as Team USA skated onto the rink.

The team took their helmets off and cheered along as they skated around the rink.

"Oh my God..." Chloe whispered to herself. She then nudged Riley, who was sat beside her. Chloe pointed to teenager with the number 99 on the back of his jersey and 'BANKS' written above it.

"Oh my God, Chloe!" Riley said, excitedly.

Chloe and her friends sat and clapped as Team USA skated around the rink, occasionally having to sink down in their seats or cover their faces whenever Adam was coming their way.

Just before Gordon called his team over, Chloe's eyes met Connie's. Connie smiled at Chloe and she waved back.

"Connie's seen us." Chloe told her friends as the team skated over to Gordon.

"Let's make sure Dwayne doesn't see us, otherwise he'll probably give it away." Luke said, making Chloe laugh.

"Now the two teams gather to their respected benches. In their last meeting, Iceland crushed Team USA 12-2!"

"Stand tall, fly straight, USA!" Gordon yelled.
"All the way!" The team chorused, lifting their hands away from the middle and punching the air, cheering.

Chloe watched Adam and a smile formed on her lips - he looked so happy to be playing.

The minute, the whistle was blown, however, was when the smile on Chloe's face dropped.

Averman was immediately knocked to the ground, followed by Guy, then Dean, and then Dwayne.

Iceland soon scored the first goal and Chloe watched as Goldberg angrily yelled at him.

"Line change!" Gordon yelled. That was all Chloe could hear.
She watched him privately speak to Russ, and saw him nod in response.

Russ was soon battered down to ground and Jesse was shoved into the boards.

"They're dominating them." Luke stated as the group watched Luis go flying into the net.

Iceland scored again and Chloe watched as the Iceland fans cheered. She sighed. "Adam still hasn't played yet," She told Riley. "and I'm kinda hoping he doesn't."

"Banks, you're on!" Audrey heard Gordon say to Adam.
"Uh oh," She mumbled.

Audrey leaned over to face Chloe.
"What is it?" She asked.
"He's sending Adam onto the rink."

Chloe bit her lip and turned her attention to Adam, who was skating onto the rink.

Chloe and her friends watched as Adam took the puck into his possession and skated onto the Iceland zone.

Within a few seconds, an Iceland player with 'SANDERSON' written on the back of his jersey, came up behind Adam and purposely hit his wrist with his hockey stick.

The crowd began to yell as Gordon jumped up. "HEY, REF! WHY DON'T YOU CALL SOMETHING? HE ALMOST TOOK HIS ARM OFF!" Gordon screamed.

Chloe stayed sat down. She was too shocked to get up. She just sat there with her hands clasped over her mouth. She didn't know what to do.

Iceland were taking down any Team USA player in their way and whatever Adam and his team tried to do, they were still losing.

Chloe, Audrey, Addison, Riley, Daniel, Jake and Luke watched as the linesman took Sanderson to the penalty box.

Luis looked over at Chloe, who was gnawing on her bottom lip. He followed her glance, which lead him to Adam. He was sat with Gordon looking at his wrist and Luis sighed. "This isn't good." He mumbled to himself.

"What do you think they're saying?" Luke asked as they watched Adam talk to their coach.

"I have no idea. But everyone else on the team is watching pretty intently." Audrey sighed.

"I really hope it's not serious." Chloe bit her lip.

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