eighteen | chloe

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chloe 🌹
well adam believed that
I can't come to see him play


riley roberts 💙
uh oh what happened

chloe 🌹
I didn't know he was
going back to edina
after the games

luke williams
that's like 30 hours away
isn't it?

chloe 🌹

thanks for the reminder

but anyways then he said he
had to go to I lied and said
we were going to the cinema
and we left it like that

you lied ???

again ???

chloe 🌹
I know I feel bad about it

but I didn't know what to say

chloe :(

daniel 🍕
well just remember that
there's a bunch of matches
coming up and adam's
team is playing really well
so they're obviously not
going home any time soon

^ exactly

luke williams
besides I'm sure the
awkwardness will be over


chloe 🌹
I hope so


I know it's early but I'm just
gonna shower then go to bed

riley roberts 💙
aw chloe :(

okay, whatever you
wanna do, b

daniel 🍕
night, chloe

chloe 🌹
night guys

a/n: the last two chapters were pretty sad and I'm sorry

but hey it gets better :)))

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