Chapter 8- Relationships Are Hard!

Start from the beginning

"Look here asshole." I walk over and push him against the wall. "Did you not understand me when I said stay away?"

He doesn't say anything, just keeps staring at me with his piercing green eyes. I start to talk again but am cut off by him kicking my legs out from under me so I land on my butt.

"What the hell-"

"Never let your guard down. We've been over this." He starts walking away with a small grin on his face.

"We've been over this." I mock.

Yeah, like I'm just going to let him walk away without a fight. My punching bags gone, so I guess I'll have to use his face. I can have a little fun with this.

"Braiden," I purr, causing him to turn around. Taking this as my opportunity I saunter over to him. "You know I can't stay mad at you."

My hand goes on his chest and I run my fingers in little circles across it. His face looks absolutely stunned making it hard for me to hold back a laugh. Maybe I do have an effect on him. I get around an inch from his face, if I lifted my head we would be kissing.

"Hey Braiden," I whisper into his ear, causing him to tense up.

"Ah, y-yeah?" He chokes out and I take this as my opportunity.

"Karma's a bitch!" Swiftly I bring my fist up and land a punch on that pretty little face of his.

For some reason I can't stop and the punches keep coming.

"You're such a jerk! Nothing ever meant anything to you, but ya know what? It did to me!" I yell at him punching him in the chest while pushing him at the same time.


I zone out what he's saying and keep hitting. Left, right, left, right, left, right.

"Ryan!" He grabs my wrists pinning them to my sides.

Stupid Braiden, had to be all muscular and stronger than me.

"What." I snap, not meeting his eyes.

"I was trying to tell you that I'm sorry, but you were brutally ripping me to shreds." He chuckles, actually chuckles.

"Yeah, and if you'd let me go, I could finish." I snarl, trying to wrench my hands free from his grasp.

"Wait, just hear me out."

He pauses and I stop struggling, giving him the opportunity to speak.

"Ryan, I'm really sorry about what I said before. I hate it when you're sad and the truth is that I was jealous that Michael always gets to spend so much time with you. What I really wanted was for you to ask me to go along today, but you chose Michael, so I thought, well, ya know."

Aww... he said that he hates when I'm sad? How sweet! Wait what? Ugh, focus on staying mad at him brain.

"I told you I didn't have a boyfriend and that I liked spending time with you! Did you not get the hint?" I look into his green eyes with my hazel ones and electricity shoots through me.

He's no longer holding my hands down with his, but instead has them on my waist.

"I know you did, I just didn't want to get hurt again-" I cut him off.

"Again? What happened the first time?"I wonder with concern in my voice.

"Um, well-"

"It's okay, you can tell me when you're ready." A sense of relief spreads across his face before he continues.

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that when you tell me things from your past I never get annoyed about it. I'm so happy that you trust me Ryan, just like I trust you, but I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore." He solemnly says.

I don't respond and his face falls. He turns around and a smile spreads across my face. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that Braiden just admitted he likes me. Excitement flows through my body when I think about it.

"Braiden!" I rush after him at full speed then jump onto his back.

"What the-"

"I'm sorry too! For some reason whenever you're not with me I'm just not as happy, and I can't stay mad at you." I babble as one of his heart melting smiles spreads across his face.

I crawl off his back and go to give him a hug instead. He returns it and rests his forehead against mine.

"I'm glad we're not fighting anymore." He tells me and I nod my head in agreement.

"Hey did Jackson tell you about the mission?" I ask, bursting with nerves that we're going to be staying together.

"Yeah, he did. Looks like you're stuck with me." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Thank goodness." I mumble then realize I said it out loud.

"What?" He smiles but I don't think he heard me.

"Nothing!" I quickly shout then pull out of his arms. "Well, it's getting late so I'm probably going to go to bed now."

Suddenly I remember that I'm wearing a sports bra, becoming self conscious I cross my arms in front of the scar on my stomach.

"Alright, me too." He responds with a smile.

When I walk away my mind is whirring. I can't believe my biggest assignment is starting inless than a week! Who knows what's going to be in store, but with Braiden here it might be a less unbearable.

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