Chappire 8: Drunken Fights and Sober Tweets

Start from the beginning

Placing her in the car and getting her situated, I hopped into the car and started it up. Pulling into the driveway of the house I'm borrowing for the next year. Glancing over at her, tears are streaming down her face as she was staring out the window. She doesn't deserve this. Picking her up, I made my way to my bedroom. Placing her on the bed, I kissed her head and turned the lights off.

Sitting down on the couch, I pulled my phone out and watched the video I took of her singing on the plane. They say she isn't good enough for his image, just wait. She will be. Sending the video to Simon Cowell, I turned my phone off and laid down on the couch.

-Emma P.O.V-

Looking around, I was freaking out because I didn't know where I was. Flashbacks from the previous night flashed into my head. Pulling out my phone and getting on Twitter brought a smile on my face. The top trending hashtag was #TeamEmma. The follow up was #TeamSelena. I swiped over to my notifications and smiled at the 12 tweets that were on my screen.


Clearly, #TeamEmma will always be my top choice


Why is #TeamSelena even an option? #TeamEmma is my forever and always.


Choosing #TeamSelena over #TeamEmma is like picking broccoli over chocolate.


Watch out, Selena. You messed with the wrong group. #TeamEmma


Real low of you @NiallOfficial. Leading her on and then leaving her. #TeamEmma


I will always pick #TeamEmma over #TeamSelena . I know where Niall's heart is.


#TeamEmma I say no more.


I like Emma. She's not fake. #TeamEmma


If Niall doesn't come to his senses, I may snatch her myself ;) #TeamEmma


I may have an oat in my throat, but Niall will have a pen in his rear end if he makes the wrong choice. #TeamEmma


*Emma's Video* I think she would do just fine for his image. #TeamEmma


@EmmaLove Call me please baby. #TeamEmma

Sighing to myself, I got on Skype and called my mom. After ringing for a minute my mother's face popped on the screen.

"Emma, I already contacted the school and Mr.Cowell," she licked her lips, "You are going to be staying with Jack for the rest of the year, or until you think you can go back." With that, she hung up the Skype call. My phone beeped and it was a message from Andy.

Andy: I went to get your stuff, your room is at the end of the hall. Don't do anything stupid.

I got on skype and made a four-way call. The faces I grew up with popped up onto the screen and suddenly I felt more relaxed than I was earlier today.

"Hi, Emma" The girls chanted along with three new voices.

"Hey" I mumbled, playing with my phone case.

"Emma, you need to tweet. He's not happy." Liam announced as he looked me into the eyes. Nodding my head I pulled my phone out from my dancing fingers and opened Twitter.


She may make you happy, but I'd like to believe I could make you happier. "I'll make this feel like Home" happy. #TeamNiall


Guys, what are you voting for.? #TeamEmma , #TeamSelena , or #TeamNiall ?

Anyway, I added a quote from the song "Home", BUT the song has not been released yet. You'll understand later. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always




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