Chappie 2: Follow

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*The Girls Above*

Emma POV

After we left the LGI, we had a free period, but the seniors get to go home after the free period. So we only had about another 30 minutes before we could go home.

Suddenly I felt a bubble of excitement rising up inside me. I get to go to England. That's been my childhood dream ever since I was little. I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I get to go to England," I screamed and chanted as I stumbled over my own two left feet down the hallways. I tried to do a jump in the air like they do in the movies, but that didn't work out and I fell face first onto the dirty floor.

"Real mature Em" Maddie rolled her eyes at my confused body sprawled out on the floor as she strutted down the halls.

"It's not my fault that your such a Debby downer" I mumbled with my face on the floor.

I slowly started rising off the floor when I saw the corner of a little blue package. I glided over to Carson and realized what the blue package was. I snatched the pack of Oreos and laughed as I ran in the opposite direction.

There was a young girl, a junior maybe, standing in the middle of the hall with a box that had my name on it. I approached the girl and realized that it was a birthday present.

"Emma, I know it's your birthday so I got you this" The young girl looked pleased with herself as she handed me the box. After awkwardly mumbling thanks, I grabbed the box and carried it, along with my box of Oreos, to my locker.

After putting the Oreos in my locker I ripped open the box and nearly screamed.  The young girl got me a damn hover-board. After gently picking the hoverboard up I noticed there was something else in the box. HOLY FUDGE. She...she got me nine packs of Oreos.

Is this what love feels like.?

"Thank you so much darling" I gushed while squeezing the life out of the young girl. After she informed me that there were batteries already in the hoverboard, the bell rang indicating that the seniors could go home.

I found the girls and showed them what, let's just call her Tilly, Tilly got me. After minutes of joking, we arrived at our neighborhood and said our goodbyes because we leave tomorrow and one of us will be in Ireland alone.

As I got up to my bedroom after a long conversation with my mom about accepting gifts from strangers, my phone made a loud ding. I pulled it out of my pocket and nearly fell over by what was on my screen.

@NiallOfficial is now following you

My Twitter started to blow up after that. I didn't even ask for the damn follow. I started to get hate tweets all because he noticed me.

'Oh trust me, ladies, you can have him.'  I tweeted.

Here are some of the tweets I was dealing with. (I do not own these twitter names)

Who the fuck does that slut think she is @EmmaLove

JUST KILL YOURSELF. She doesn't even want his follow. #Useless @EmmaLove

@NiallOfficial probably just feels sorry for you. I mean look at you, you're not even that pretty #tbh @EmmaLove

My blood started to boil. Who the hell do they think they are.? I slid over to my DMs and I decided to DM the pop star.

Niall. You need to unfollow me. Your psychotic fans are sending me death threats. Either you take care of it or I will. -E xoxo

With frustration clearly written on my face, I turned off my phone and plugged it into my wall. Grunting, I tossed my head back onto my pillow and let out a sigh of frustration. Of all people, why did he have to choose me... I fell into a deep sleep thinking of all the ways I could kill a celebrity without getting caught.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was a light ping coming from my phone while the soft light poured from my phone into my room. 

Hey guys <3 sorry that I'm changing the whole story. My writing wasn't as mature back then as it is now. I'll have the other parts updated later today and I'll publish another part tomorrow. Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy me making this book better. And as always..

And Stay Beautiful

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