Chappire 1: Exchange Program

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•This chapter is edited and has been changed. I highly recommend rereading it because my writing style has changed recently. Sorry for the inconvenience. •

~Emma Pov~
My head was held high as I walked down the halls of this plain school. The plain brick walls were the same, just as the plain tile floors were still scuffed up with the shoe marks from the hundreds of kids that roamed these halls.

Walking for what seems like an eternity, I finally reached my destination, my locker. I was mumbling some of the words you wouldn't dare say in front of your Christian grandmother while I was fighting with my locker.

"Mrs. Valentine we do not tolerate that language in this school" Mrs. Bittinger, the queen bee of the school (aka. The Principal). spit through her teeth.

"Why hello there Mrs.Bittinger, lovely weather we are having- oh my, did you do something with your hair.? It looks lovely." I lied straight through my teeth while the overused fake smile was painted on my face.

"Oh, thank you, Jenna. I'm using a new conditioner and it seems to really be working. Can you really notice a difference.?" The overly bubbly principal gushed over her hair.

"M'am, it's Emma, not Jenna," I replied getting a little angry that she called me by my older sister's name.

"Same thing." With that, she spun on her heel and strutted down the hallway.

That no good, evil, stuck-up- wait...I smell sugar, is that chocolate.?

I'm smelling Oreos. Oh, how I live for Oreos. I couldn't wait as I start bouncing in my shoes as I scream for my three best friends to get over to my location and hand me the damn Oreos.

Madison - blonde hair and brown eyes
Carson- black hair and Green eyes
Cheyenne- brown hair and blue eyes

" EMMA CHILL YOUR ASS AND WAIT"  Carson screamed across the hallway as she dashed across the hall, over to my locker.
Ahhh friendship don't you love it.

" Everybody please report to the LGI at once" our lovely principal announced over the loudspeaker.

We all looked at each other, shrugged, joined hands and started the long walk to the LGI.

This school really needs to invest in some hover-boards. I always wanted one, especially for school because these hallways look like they could fit into a horror movie.

When we arrived in the LGI, Mrs. Bittinger was on stage with a microphone clutched in her hand.

After minutes of her trying to calm down the mass of students crowded into the small room, she announced why we were here.

"Last year some of you signed up to spend a year in Ireland and the U.K., free of charge. The time for the trip has arrived and we have chosen the four students that will be taking part in the foreign exchange program. Three of the four students will be in Britain while the other will go to Ireland.

I remember that I signed up for that, along with the girls. It seems like a fun experience to have and besides, foreign boys are hot.

Mrs. Bittinger took a deep breath and announced the names of the winning students.

Little did I know that the next 12 words would change my entire life.

"Those students are Emma Valentine, Madison Deeter, Cheyenne Carter, and Carson Finley"
A/N- this is my first actual book... So please just hold on. I will gladly accept help, you can message me if you want something in the story, and I will give you a shoutout. I will update sometime after the new year. So maybe around January 10th or so. Thanks again :)

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