스물 넷

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kimtaehyung sent you a message!

kimtaehyung: hey gukkie

busanboy: hi, hyung.
what's up?

kimtaehyung: i'm really proud of you
what you said
it was was really mature of you

busanboy: thanks hyung
are we okay?
like i really miss you and jiminie hyung and everyone else

kimtaehyung: i think i got over it awhile ago, but yeah we're okay. just keep up the whole positive mature thing going and we'll be fine

busanboy: that makes me feel better
hyung i need some advice
like relationship and feeling advice

kimtaehyung: uh oh. who is it?

busanboy: seokjin hyung..
he didn't want me to tell any of you but he's been helping me these past few months and we even let me stay with him a couple weeks and i just i started to like him a lot

kimtaehyung: as long as you let him decide and you be completely honest with what you want and what you want from him, then i don't think their should be problems. remember your respect to him. he's the oldest out of all of us.

busanboy: i will i will
do you think there's a chance that he likes me too?

kimtaehyung: i honestly don't know
but the real you. the real jeongguk is a really sweet guy, so i think there may be a chance. just see, okay? the worst thing that can happen is that he doesn't feel the same and im sure you'll be okay if that's the result

busanboy: thanks hyung
congrats on being with hoseok hyung too. im really glad that you're happy

kimtaehyung: thank you gukkie

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