Chapter 1

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Chuck' POV
          "Do these idiots ever stop fighting?!?" I yelled into the empty hotel room I was currently living in. Sure it wasn't the best living space but it sure beats heaven and responsibility.

I rubbed my bleary eyes as I thought up different ways to fix everything without getting too involved. I sat down into a chair and took a swig of whiskey. I sighed this shit was a lot harder then I had originally thought it would be.

The angels and the hunters could really use a therapy session, I snorted yea that'd be the day... I became serious as
I thought about it. " oh my me I have an awesome idea!!" I grinned they wouldn't even know what hit them.

Dean's POV
     Sammy and I walked into the bunker dead on our feet. The hunt had been a long one and all I wanted now was a beer and a blonde chick but just a beer would have to do.

I sighed as I tossed my bag to the floor and headed to the fridge. I popped open a beer and put my feet up on the table. "Dean we haven't heard from Cas in a week do you think he's ok?" "The dude's an angel I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just busy."

I glanced at Sam, he looked like he was gonna say something else but then he must've decided against it because he only nodded.

I slowly stood up stretching the muscles that were already beginning to stiffen up. Oh I am going to be sore tomorrow. I headed to my room thinking about what Sam said about Cas and to be honest I was a little worried about him. I got in the shower letting the hot water wash away the tension of the day.

We had wiped out an entire vamp nest but we'd gotten there too late, the girl, Amy, had already been turned. I shook away the images that I'm sure were going to join the others that haunted me every few nights.

I stepped out of the shower and climbed into bed hoping for at least five hours of sleep.

Sam's POV
       I shook my head at Dean as he walked out. I know he's worried about Cas just like I know he sleeps better when the angel is staying in the room next to his.

I don't think even Dean understands his feelings towards Cas most likely because Dean had only ever hooked up with or dated women.

I thought back to the angels we had met through the years. Cas was by far the nicest and he was almost like a second brother to me. Most of them were dicks and Lucifer... well I still have nightmares about my time with him.

Then there is Gabe the candy loving pain in the ass that I can't seem to get out of my head.

I actually kinda miss him, the sparkle in his eyes and mischievous smirk he wore when he knew he had tricked you. I still can't believe Lucifer killed him.

I stripped my clothes off as I got into the shower and began the process of getting off dried on blood and mud.

As I stood under the stream I closed my eyes, wishing we could just take a break from hunting just for a little while.

A little while later I slipped into bed and downed a sleeping pill knowing I'm gonna need it. I drifted off to sleep images of golden wings and hazel eyes lulling me asleep.

~~Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. I would love it if you guys would vote and comment :D
Have an awesome day!!

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