Chapter 3

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Sam's POV
         The breath whooshed out of my lungs. Gabriel's alive?... but he couldn't be I thought as I stared at the woman sitting at the table.

"It's always wrong place, worst time with you mutton heads, huh?" Gabriel said with a mirthless chuckle.

"Brother, we thought Lucifer killed you.." "Oh he did but now I'm here and looking even more fabulous then ever." 

"What?" Dean asked, a crease beginning to form between his eyebrows.  "I know right, how is that even possible." Gabriel smirked at Dean. "You're looking pretty nice yourself dean-o." " shut up Gabriel."

I was silent as I tried to process the fact that he was back. The angel that had wanted peace, the angel that had abandoned heaven, who tried to teach us a lesson, who died to save us... the one I lo- "So which one of you three idiots got us here?" Gabriel looked at us expectantly.

We all shared a look. Dean spoke first "you mean you didn't do this?" "Look, as much as I enjoy messing with you Winchesters and your pet angel, I didn't do this. I can't even fly out of here." Gabriel said looking slightly put out.

Dean huffed a breath "awesome." It was kind of funny how uncomfortable he looked standing there in his girly pajamas.

I shifted slightly and Gabe's eyes were drawn to me. " heya Sammich." He waggled his eyebrows at me. "Hello Gabriel." I said trying not to look flustered. 

Cas's POV
      I am trying very hard not to stare at Dean but it is very difficult. I was very attracted to his male body however in this female one he seemed.. vulnerable and... softer. 

"Cas!" I looked down at Dean and realized I had been lost in my own thoughts. "Yes Dean?" He rolled his eyes "Cas, I asked you if you have any clue what could trap an archangel?"

I thought a moment scrunching up my forehead. "A powerful spell maybe..but the chances of a spell that powerful are slim. The only thing I can think of is.... God.."

That answer is not going to go over well.

Gabriel's eyes widened and both Winchesters looked angry. "That asshat doesn't help when the friggin apocalypse is happening but he decides to trap us all he? What the hell?!?" Dean said running his fingers through his hair distracting me for a moment.

"Look, lets split up and go outside if it's a spell then it can be broken." Gabriel spoke, clearly not wanting to consider the other possibility.

I nodded "Dean, you come with me." I said then tried to quickly think up a reason for why I said that other then the actual reason. "That way there is a hunter and an angel in each group."  Dean shrugged "alright."  Dean and I headed out the back door.

Sam's POV
       "Guess that means you're with me, princess."  I bitch faced at Gabe. " it's Sam." "Geez don't get your panties in a wad." Gabriel smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Cmon you don't like me even a little bit more now that I'm a chick?" He said jokingly. I paused " I liked you better as a guy actually." I said flippantly then flushed. I already regretted saying that.

Even though I had mainly dated women I found myself strangely attracted to the golden haired angel.

Gabriel turned serious and looked at me for a minute as if trying to read me, before snapping his fingers and changing back to his original body.

"Alright enough chit chat lets try to get out of here." He said before walking off in the direction of the front door.

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