Chapter 25 - Final Chapter

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Charlotte's POV
Ava's child was born, but she decided that she couldn't take care of the child so she gave it to Andy and I. I also found out that she isn't Mikey's child, and that she's Andy's. At first, I was angry and hurt that he felt the need to hide it from me but now I'm okay with it. Ava decided to call the child Maddie Sienna Fowler, she gave the Maddie Andy's last name as she didn't want to keep the child. Although I'm happy that Ava trusts Andy and I enough to care for the child, it's very straining having to keep her at my house because the flat in Slough was far too small.

Early this morning, Maddie had woken me up by crying. It really is tiring waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning. I'm pretty sure I haven't slept properly in two months. I pulled out my phone to call my best friend, Meg.

The Phone Call
Meg: Hey! What's up?

Me: Can you come over? This child is driving me nuts. Honestly I'm flattered that Ava thought I could look after her but I haven't slept properly in ages.

Meg: Yeah of course, I'll be there soon. I'll tell Andy to come so you and I can have a proper catch up.

About half an hour later

There was a knock at the door, which startled Maddie and caused her to start crying again.

"Why can't this child shut up?" I muttered to myself before opening the door.

"Hey." I smiled, "Andy, she's yours now. You can look after her."

"Okay." He sighed, and walked upstairs.

Meg and I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. She informed me that Jack had met someone called Jessica, and that Mikey was talking to someone but he wouldn't say her name. Meg also said that Andy had seemed a lot happier these past few months, and he's been laughing a lot more.

"CHARLOTTE!" Andy called from upstairs, sounding distraught, "I NEED YOUR HELP."

"Coming!" I called back to him.

I walked upstairs and found him just standing there smiling. I must admit I was very suspicious of Andy because Maddie wasn't crying or anything, so he didn't need my help with anything.

"What do you need he-" I started to ask but I was interrupted by Andy hugging me tightly.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I chuckled

"Just for being you."

"Andy Fowler, you are a very cringy person."

"I know." He said, pulling away from the hug, "I need to tell you something."

"Okay, go ahead."

He took a deep breath and smiled, "I love you."


And that is a wrap guys! Sorry that I.L.Y was a very short ending but I just wanted to get this book finished.

I hope you liked this chapter, and let me know if you want me to do a sequel in the future. If I did, it probably wouldn't include the characters in this story but it'd include Maddie, and the future children. But I'm not sure, so let me know!

Thankyou to everyone that's been reading this book, I really appreciate it so much!

I love you guys💛

I.L.Y - Andy Fowler (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now