Chapter Six: GroupChat

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I woke up to what seemed like a thousand text messages from unknown numbers in a groupchat

Charlotte: what is this??
Unknown: oh it's han! the number ending in 59 is andy, the number ending in 28 is rye, the number ending in 33 is brook and the number ending in 93 is mikey
Charlotte: oh okay... um what is this groupchat?
Rye: to try and get you to come back
Han: pleasee
Charlotte: I'm sorry, but no. I just can't. It's hard to explain but I'm sorry
Brook: please char
Mikey: pleeaassee
Charlotte: I'm sorry

Andy left the conversation

Charlotte: that's my fault isn't it? it's my fault he left
Han: no.. I don't think so anyway
Mikey: I'll go speak to him
Brook: if you're not coming back, can you at least come to the beach with us today?
Rye: yeah!! it'll be fun
Charlotte: I don't know...
Han: please don't let me be the only girl with these four weirdos at the beach today
Brook: we're not that weird
Han: you are
Charlotte: technically you're all weird, texting in the same flat
Rye: she has a point
Mikey: okay I know why andy left
Han: why..?
Mikey: because he said it made him feel sad and rejected when you said that char
Charlotte: told you it was my fault....
Rye: come back to make andy happy

Mikey added Andy to the conversation

Brook: yeah please come back
Andy: why did I get added back..?
Han: so you can hear Charlotte's reply
Mikey: please charrrrrrr
Andy: but she's already said no..
Charlotte: but she's changed her mind
Han: seriously char??
Charlotte: I guess
Brook: are you coming to the beach later?
Mikey: please come
Charlotte: do I have a choice?
Han: nope! we'll pick you up asap
Charlotte: how do you know where I live??
Mikey: we know everything👀
Brook: we only know because you added me on facebook and it says your address on there
Andy: wait you're actually coming back? and coming to the beach with us today?
Charlotte: and yes, yes I am
Andy: char, text me
Han: oooooo
Charlotte: okay...
Rye: good luck

Charlotte and Andy's texts
Charlotte: what's up?
Andy: you're really coming back?
Charlotte: we established that in the groupchat, andy
Andy: but you're staying for good this time?
Charlotte: I don't know, maybe?
Andy: please
Charlotte: I'm not sure
Andy: please don't leave yet
Charlotte: I'm not leaving
Andy: promise me
Charlotte: I promise
Andy: why are you coming back? tell me truthfully
Charlotte: well..
Andy: yes?
Charlotte: for you...

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