Chapter 13: Going Home

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Charlotte's POV
After we got back to the flat, with a heartbroken Mikey, we put on Star Wars to cheer him up.
"Please turn it off" he said in barely a whisper, "we used to watch Star Wars all the time"
"Sorry Mikey, I didn't realise" I replied sympathetically.

Rye was on his bunk, and Mikey was below and looked pale.
"Mikey, have you eaten anything all day?" I asked
"No, and I'm not hungry" he replied, staring at the bunk bed opposite him.

About half an hour later, Brook, Andy and Meg walked into the flat.
"Hey" Brooklyn said cheerfully, and then remembered that Mikey was sad and his expression turned sad.

"Not to be rude, but can I be left alone please" Mikey said quietly.
Rye, Andy, Brook, Meg and I walked into Blair's room.

"Apart from Hannah leaving Mikey. There are two good things that have happened" Andy stated.
"What are those" Meg asked quietly.
"Firstly, our latest person that we had on trial, Jack, is officially our fifth member" he said, then he smiled, "secondly, Ava and I, we've decided to become official."
"Who's Ava?" Rye asked
"My girlfriend, and she's coming over tomorrow so please don't embarrass me"

"I'm happy for you" I lied. This felt like I my heart had been ripped out. I felt like crying. I have to leave. I can't meet her, it'll be too painful.

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Then I heard someone come into the kitchen.
"Hi" Meg said from behind me
"Hey" I smiled, turning around to face her

"Are you okay? I saw your expression on your face when Andy was talking about Ava" she asked
"Uh yeah.. I'm fine" I said, feeling a sharp pain in my chest
"No you're not. I can tell" she replied.
"I want to go home" I said, and my eyes began to water.
"I'll drive you home, do you want to tell the boys?" she smiled
"Thank you so much, and no I'd rather not"

I walked into the living room to get my stuff. Mikey looked at me weirdly
"Where are you going?" he asked in monotone
"Just somewhere" I replied, hoping I didn't sound too suspicious. He didn't seem too concerned to he just nodded.

Once I got my stuff, Meg and I began to drive back to my house.
"I think they'll be sad you know" she said
"I can't stay. I can't face it, him and her" I replied, and a tear rolled down my cheek.
"It's okay, I understand" she smiled

The car journey lasted 40 minutes and I barely said anything during the journey. I was so much shock. Why did some part of me hoped that me and Andy would be a thing? I'm so stupid.

"Thank you for driving me home" I mumbled, giving Meg a quick hug
"No problem, I'm always here if you need me" she replied

As soon as I got in, I ran up to my bedroom and started crying. Even though we're just friends, this really hurts.

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