Chapter Three: The Flat

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Andy's POV
We all walked towards the car and all sat in our seats.
"Fowler's in love" Blair whispered at me. I gave him a stern look and shook my head
"Just friends" I mouthed to him, but he didn't seem too convinced.

The car journey back to the flat was fun, we were all singing along to the radio and shared the sweets out that roadies gave us. Hannah had fallen asleep on Mikey, Brook was in the front with Blair, Rye was sitting next to Mikey and Charlotte and I were at the very back of the car.

"Just to let you know, the flat's probably messy" I laughed. Charlotte looked up, smiled and nodded then looked back at her phone and sighed.

"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm fine" she replied quietly.
"I'm sure in girl code, that means you're not fine" I stated, feeling proud that I knew what she actually meant
"I'm okay then" she sighed
"Okay... you don't have to tell me what's going on but I'm always here if you need to talk" I smiled sympathetically.
"Thank you" she said, giving me a sad smile.

Charlotte's POV
I couldn't tell him that I was being told to kill myself online by some roadies because they saw me get into Blair's car, but there are some roadies that were saying that Andy and I are they're OTP. I hope all of this will stop soon, hopefully they'll either forget about it or let it go.

"Are we there yet" Rye moaned, as if he was a child
"Rye, you know where we live, we are two minutes away" Blair chuckled. It was so surreal to be in Slough with RoadTrip, I remember watching an episode of RTTV and seeing the park, but now I'm actually here.

We walked up a flight of stairs to number 64, and all went into the flat.
"It's a bit messy" Mikey laughed
"It's always messy" Hannah sighed. I followed everyone into a room where there was a small sofa, two bunk beds, a tv and a large mirror above the sofa.
"It's nice" I smiled, sitting down on the sofa.
"Thank you, we do need to tidy up though" Rye laughed
"I'll help! I like tidying" I said, still smiling.
"You like tidying?" Brooklyn questioned, sounding slightly disgusted
"Yeah" I mumbled

"Still a clean freak, I see" Andy teased
"Still bullying me, I see" I replied in the same tone
"Don't mimic me" Andy said, in a toddler-ish type tone
"Aww has ickle Andy had his feelings hurt" I teased
"Shut up" he said, and then turned around and climbed up to his bed
"Is ickle Andy having a nap" I laughed
"If you don't shut up, I will tickle you" he smirked
"Ickle Andy wouldn't dare" I giggled
"Oh ickle Andy would dare if you don't stop" he warned
"Ickle Andy is a grumpy-grump today" Rye said
"Does ickle Andy want a bedtime story" Mikey asked
"Stop it" he groaned
"I think ickle Andy needs a nap" Brooklyn laughed. All of us were in hysterics about making fun of "ickle" Andy, well, all of us apart from Andy

"Char, I need to talk to you, in the kitchen" Hannah said

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