Chapter Four: Please

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Hannah's POV
I walked into the kitchen with Char, and gently closed the door behind us.
"I have a few questions to ask you" I stated
"Umm okay, shoot" she said, sounding worried
"Okay, well, how do you know Andy"
"We were best friends, before overload started, and then RoadTrip was made and I never stopped supporting him really. We kinda drifted though after overload"
"Okay, do you love him?" I asked
"Woah" Charlotte laughed, "I suppose I did a little when we were best friends, but I always hid it. I'm not sure if I do now" she continued, starting to blush
"Feelings never change. I mean, look at how you just acted together. I'm going to get to together, if it's the last thing I do" I laughed
"Hannah, please don't" she sighed at me
"It's meant to be hot tomorrow" I smirked
"No, Hannah, what are you doing" she sighed, as I pulled my phone out and tweeted;

beach with my faves tomorrow @chxrlottewoods @RoadTrip3000

"Um, I didn't agree to come to the beach" Charlotte laughed nervously. Mikey popped his head round the door and did a little cough so we'd realise he's there.
"Babe, we didn't discuss that we're going to the beach tomorrow" he laughed. I smirked, and then shrugged my shoulders.
"It's going to be fun" Mikey said, walking over and hugging me.
"You up for it Char" I asked
"Um... no thank you. I think I'm just going to go home in the morning" she replied
"Pleaseeeeeeeee" I moaned
"I'll think about it, okay?" She sighed
"Okay" I said smiling
"BEACH DAY" Brooklyn cheered from the living room

Charlotte's POV
I'm not too sure about going to the beach with everyone tomorrow, but I feel like I have to go otherwise it'd be rude.

Hannah and Mikey were being cute, so I walked out of the kitchen. Not because I was feeling uncomfortable, but because I felt like I was in the way. Blair, Andy, Rye and Brooklyn were all in the living room, and joking around. I don't belong here, I barely know these people. I know I've been supporting the band, but I don't know them personally.

I got my back, which has next to the door, and scribbled out a note;

Guys, I've gone home. I'm sorry, I just don't belong here. I'm so sorry. From Charlotte

I stuck the note on the door, with a small piece of blu-tac I found in my bag, and then opened the door as carefully and slowly as I could. As soon as I had opened the door, I felt a lot cooler because the flat was so hot and stuffy. Once I had stepped outside the flat, I closed the door carefully without making a sound when it closed.

I took a deep sigh, and walked out of the block of flats, past the park and in the direction to Slough train station.

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