Chapter Seven: Beach

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Han: we're leaving to pick you up in five minutes, so we'll be there in about an hour
Charlotte: AN HOUR?!
Han: yes, so you better get ready
Charlotte: stop texting me then😂
Han: okay okay
Han: see you soon
Charlotte: okay, see you in a bit

Charlotte's POV
Right. I have an hour to get ready, and I have no clue where my bikini is. Oh god. I started rummaging through my chest of drawers, until I came across my old bikini from two years ago
"It'll have to do" I muttered to myself.

I walked sluggishly into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. I decided not to put on any makeup today, so I'm going to look like a mess without it. I walked back into my bedroom and out on the bikini, and surprisingly it still fitted
"hm, must have lost weight" I thought to myself.

After putting any favourite pair of shorts over my bikini bottoms, I headed downstairs to wait for the boys and Hannah.

Char: where are you guys?
Rye: we're like two minutes away
Han: see you in a bit x
Char: yeah, is that your car turning down my road?
Andy: yep, come outside
Char: okay I'm coming

Charlotte's POV
I walked over to the car and was greeted with a hug from Hannah.
"Hiya" I smiled to everyone, and got into the car

• skipping the car journey•

We finally arrived at the beach and found a place to put down all our things
"Race you to the sea" Rye cheered, running straight ahead. Immediately, the other boys started sprinting towards the sea.
"You coming" Hannah smiled, whilst standing up
"Yeah" I smiled back, "I like your bikini by the way, and the shorts you were wearing" I added
"Thank you, I like what you're wearing as well" she replied

"You coming" Hannah smiled, whilst standing up "Yeah" I smiled back, "I like your bikini by the way, and the shorts you were wearing" I added"Thank you, I like what you're wearing as well" she replied

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"It's freezing" I shivered
"Man up" Andy laughed. I turned around and gave Andy a sarcastic smile.
"Ickle Andy needs to be careful as to how he talks to me" I smirked.
"Ohhh" the boys and Hannah said in unison. Andy gave me a childish look, that turned into a smile.

Before I knew it, Andy had splashed water at me
"Oh you're going to regret that Andrew Robert Fowler" I warned
"What are you going to do" he said smugly
"Um, I'm not sure yet but you better watch it" I muttered, flicking water at him.

"I have an idea" Hannah said proudly
"What's that babe" Mikey said, hugging her from behind and kissing her cheek
"We should do that thing where do sit on someone's shoulders and then try and push the other person off" she laughed
"I'M SICK AT THAT" Andy cheered
"I love that game" Brooklyn smiled
"Okay we need to get into teams then" Rye said
"Hm okay. Rye, Andy and Mikey on one team. Me, Char and Brook on the other team" Hannah ordered

We got into our teams and stood opposite each other.
"Okay, so Brooklyn you can be against Rye. I'll be against Mikey, and Char, you'll be against Andy" Hannah stated.
"Really? Do I really have to go against Andy?" I whined
"Yep" Brooklyn laughed
"Ugh fine" I mumbled.

Brooklyn went again Rye first, and Brooklyn lost within an instant.
"Oh Brooklyn you bumhole" I teased, "Han, it's your turn" I added

"I'm going to win" Hannah laughed competitively
"No you're not" Mikey laughed. The "fight" went on for about five minutes until Han finally knocked Mikey off of Andy's shoulders.
"Told you I'd win" she said smugly.

"Okay Char, it's your turn" Hannah said to me
"I know. I've got this" I said confidently. I've always beaten Andy at this, ever since I was little. Brooklyn lifted me up onto his shoulders and slowly walked closer to Andy and Rye.
"Ewww it's you" Andy teased
"Be quiet" I said, narrowing my eyes jokingly.

"3...2...1... go" Hannah and Mikey said in unison. I leaned forward and pushed Andy as hard as I could. He nearly fell off, but regained his balance. He went to push me but missed, and nearly fell over Rye's head. As soon as he managed to sit back up, I pushed his shoulders and he fell off. Brooklyn put me back down into the sea and highfived me.

Andy stared at me and gave a little laugh
"What?" I asked, feeling very confused
"Nothing" he smiled, "I'm just going to get you back for that". I immediately swam off, but Andy was faster than me so he caught up with me. I stopped swimming because there was no way I was going to swim faster than him.

Once again, I caught Andy staring at me
"Why do you keep staring at me?" I giggled nervously
"I don't know" he replied. There was a little pause, it wasn't an awkward pause, it was more of a comfortable silence
"Come back to the flat with us" Andy said quickly
"Andy, I can't. We've gone over this. I'm sorry" I sighed. Suddenly, Andy had cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly.
"I don't regret that" he whispered in my ear, and swam off.

"Char, come on it's time to go!" Hannah called
"Uh, I think I'll get my mum to pick me up" I replied
"Are you sure? We don't mind taking you"
"Yeah, I'm sure! I'll text you tonight" I said

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