Voices|Chapter 10

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AS USUAL! feel free to listen to the songs I've provided for ya

Mira's POV

Lately (y/n) hasn't really been acting like herself. She almost seems too happy. I walk over to team Natsu and hand there drinks. Whilst doing so I bend down and whisper for Erza to come over to the bar. She nods and follows me back to where (y/n) and Kinana are chatting away.

I give her a serious look.
"Do you think (y/n) is okay?" I ask the scarlet haired Mage.
Erza glances over at (y/n) and then back at me.
We both sigh.
"She seems too happy" we say in unison.
We laugh at eachother and then look towards (y/n).
"So what do we do?" Erza questions.
Suddenly I get a great idea!
"How about we go around hers later, we can ask then."
Erza grins evilly and nods her head walking back to team Natsu.

{Time Skip Till (y/n) Is Back At Her House}

(Y/n) POV

Ellie and I were chilling, watching tv until we hear a knock at the door.
I lift Ellie and place her on the sofa as I go and answer the door.
"Hello?" I peer my head in the gap of the door to see Erza and Mira.
"What are you two doing here?" I yawn.
They look at one another and giggle. "We wanted to have a sleep over but we forgot to ask so we just came here!"
They were carrying bags and sleeping bags. I can't just send them home..
"Fine, come in" I sigh as they enter my home.
"you have a lovely place!" Erza runs around, looking at everything.
After they chilled down we all sat and played games, watch movies until we played truth or dare.
From that I found out that Mira likes laxus and Erza likes Jellal. Interesting.
Both Mira and Erza's faces drop.
"(Y/n).." they began "we actually came here cause we wanted to ask you something..."
I tilt my head in confusion. "So what is it?" I ask
"Why have you been a bit off lately like it seems you're faking you're happiness." Erza states.
I look at her and smile.
"I've not been faking my happiness erza!" I laugh at her. "Lately I've been hearing this voice call out for me and I'm scared yet the voice is gentle and soft. I recognise it but I don't know who it is..."
The two mages look at one another.
"I see..." Mira places her chin in her hand and sighs. "Maybe it's a relative? Or an old friend?"
I shake my head.
"I don't know! It doesn't matter though they haven't said anything since the other day so maybe they went away?" I laugh loudly.
Erza's face goes serious.
"(Y/n) what was the last thing she said to you?"
I think back till that day.
"She said.. you must protect them, my sweet (y/n)"
I smile. "Protect who though?" I ask myself.

Who is this voice and who do I need to protect?!
I sigh and fall into a deep sleep as the night draws on.

Alone | Natsu x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt