"You bet," I reply, walking over to him. I take hold of his tie and he raises his eyebrow at me. "Do you know how to tie these?"

        He glances down. "I tried, I really tried but this is the best I got."

        "Want me to help you?" I ask. He slowly nods. I untie the knot from the fabric and yank it free. "Jeez, looks like you were trying to hang a noose." He laughs at my comment, moving away. "Wait, hold still there. Do you want me to choke you?"

        "Maybe I'm into that," he mutters. I let go of his tie and step back when he starts laughing. "No, no. I'm kidding, Frankie." He catches my hand. "Please, help?" 

        "Well, hold still then." I even out the fabric on both sides of his and start warping the front up and pulling it through. My heart is beating faster. I'm really close to him. I could kiss him again. I mean, we have before. Just once out of a dare but it was still the best thing for me. I want to kiss him again or at least hug him tightly and never let go. But that's not the case here. I don't think Gerard feels the same way about me unless he really isn't joking about his little comments? But he does that with the others. "There, now you look fabulous," I tell him. 

        He glances in the mirror and smiles. "Dude, thanks," he says with a smile. "Where'd you learn how to do this?"

        "Uh, up until high school, I went to Catholic school," I admit.

        "You did? You're Catholic?"

        I glance at him with a half smile. "No, didn't you hear me? You send your kid to Catholic school, they'll come out anything but Catholic." He laughs lightly. "So my turn?" I ask.

        "Totally. Come here." I take a seat on his desk chair and he starts painting my face. When he finishes, it looks better than last time. He also contoured my face to enhance my facial features. "What do you think?" he asks.

        "It's incredible, that's what this is," I say. "Thank you so much."

        "No problem," he replies. "Here's the jacket." I slide it on and Gerard zips it up from me. "Beautiful. Okay, you ready to go to Cody's?"

        "Hell yeah," I reply. The two of us walk downstairs.

        "You leaving now?" his mother calls. 

        "Yeah, have a good day."

        "Wait, did you eat?"

        "I'm eating over there!" he calls back. "Bye!" We walk out and start heading over. 

        "You know, this is the first time people ever wished me a happy birthday," I say.

        "You're joking."

        I shake my head. "Nope, my parents don't care enough and I didn't really have friends in school. Maybe one or two of them would mention it, a random classmate and a teacher but that's about it." Gerard looks at me sympathetically. "You guys actually cared and made a big deal. During the first minute, you all made more effort than anyone has in my life combined throughout all the years."

        Gerard reaches over and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Well, sucks for them because they missed out on the greatest person they could meet." I smile at him and the two of us continue talking, Gerard doesn't move his arm.

        Their house is completely decked out. Fog machines on their driveway and ghosts floating outside on their yard. Jack-o-lanterns dimly glow on their porch with tea lights. Skeletons are climbing out of their grass and spider webs are all over the house. Thankfully, no spiders are there. Houses with jumping spiders are the reason I have aneurysms. 

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