Chapter 10: Midnight Kisses and Wedding Wishes

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"Ari!" Asher screamed tugging her leg furiously.

I ran into the bathroom as fast as I could and there was my best friend with her leg stuck down the toilet.

"I'm stuck."

"No kidding. How did you manage... never mind."

We began tugging at the shoe to no avail. Angry tears marred Ashers face. All she wanted was to prank Crea Anjoy but it all went horribly wrong.

Instead of jumping out and scaring her with a pie in the face she slipped and here she was, and here I was.

"Maybe if we flushed." Ash offered.

"I dont think... well we're running out of options."

Unfortunately instead of helping it just caused the toilet to flood, and now water gushed out filling the bathroom.

Soon water was everywhere and I was trying to channel it away, without success Asher still pulled at her shoe. In seconds the water spilled out into the hall.

I ran out smack into Avery just who I was looking for.

"Get everyone away from the hall. There's a flood in the bathroom."

The poor boy looked murderous but got to redirecting as I ran back in.

"We've got ten minutes."

Furiously we worked. With some scissors we cut away at the shoe until both her leg and it was free. At least now the water had stopped. But there was still the matter of it  being all over the floor.

"Grab anything absorbent."  Asher called trying to mop up the mess.

With five minutes to go it still looked like the set of jaws. Dejected we stared at each other until.

"Run to class." Avery said coming in with the majority of the football team.  "We've got this."

They all had mops and looked less than happy. Regardless we thanked them and kissed him on the cheek.

"Alright boys." We heard him say as we left. "Let's get it done."

"Its so good to have the family back together." Andrew mused ruffling Arika's hair.

The red head in question was squashed between him and Aiden. She scowled as they took it in turns to muse her hair and pinch her cheeks.

Bloody hell she hadn't been gone that long.

All the while a slightly pissed Avery eyed her cropped hair. Damn he loved her hair, every rich golden red strand of it but now it was short and it irked him. She still looked beautiful but damn the short length made her look edgy and grown...he couldnt deal with a grown Arika.

"Speaking of family where are my favourite Thorne's?" Ari quipped playfully.

"Here." Everyone of them called before scowling at the other.

"I meant your parents. I need to crash with you guys until I get my keys sorted out."

Avery answered before anyone else could. "You can stay... I mean you're family."

Asher snorted and mumbled to herself. "And maybe some day you'll be so legally."

"Hm?" Aiden hummed. He'd heard her but it was always fun seeing her squirm.

For those few hours it was if time had reset. They weren't adults with jobs and uni applications and drama, they were just five kids sharing a meal, a family.

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