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I look out at the sky surrounding the plane I was currently sitting in. the clouds moving with the wind and the green paddocks below fenced off by bushes making me realise I was almost home.

I started to think about all the things that I felt behind when I was just the age of eight. Particularly one friend who meant the world to me.

His name was Harry Everyone thought we were going to get married, have the whole white picketed fence house with the two children and the cat but it never did end up like that we where best friends for years never leaving each others side  till one day when  we had an argument. we grew apart after that and I  haven’t spoken to him since.

Then one day when I was eight years old  my parents spilt up making me and my mum leave home and find other house that I could grow up in, sadly that was in another country , Australia.

Dad still lived in England though  with his blonde 22 year old girlfriend Emilia , my half brother Blaine and my twin brother Louis..

I came  back to reality when I  felt the Plaines Wheels touch the concrete surface of the Air Strip. My heart started to pound faster and faster as I realised that I was home.

I waited patiently for the signal to say that I could come out of my chair and leave the Plane worry slowly creeping up on me as I did so.

I walked through the airport with the rest of the Plane’s Passengers to the baggage caracal where I collected my bag and belongings. I new that someone from my family was waiting for me outside. Where outside I didn’t have a clue.

As I walked out of the main doors of the Airport I felt the cold winter air send chills down my spine. It was then when I regretted wearing shorts and a singlet due to the weather back home.

“ Gabby” I hear my name get called somewhere in the distance. I start to search the crowded area for the person repeating my name.  I soon spot a lady walking towards me wearing blue denim jeans a white shirt and a purple striped scarf covering half her chest.

I stared at the lady for a while watching as the space between both of us decreased and her figure became more noticeable. Her bright Blonde hair flowing behind her and a huge smile across her whole face.

“ Gabby so good to see you” the Lady says embracing me in a hug, her thin delicate arms flying around my body. I place my arms around her after a few moments trying to figure out who the lady that was recently hugging me actually was, thinking that it was the polite thing to do in the situation.

“ how are you sweet heart” she asks with a huge grin once her arms had left my side.

“ fine” where the only words I was able to reply with still a little worried of the situation.

“ we’re so glad that your back for a while I know your father has really missed you”

It all made sense after that , this was Emilia the lady that was responsible for my parents divorce. The reason I was now living in Australia. The reason I hadn’t been home since I was eight.

Emilia grabs one of my bags that where placed down beside me and adjusts them in her hands. “ why don’t we start our trip home, the others are dying to see you”

My head nods at Emilia, I couldn’t bring my self to talk to her. All the memories of the day I found out and met the lady that split my parents coming back to me. her thin body, great taste in fashion and a face 20 years younger then my mums smiling down at my little eight year old self.

“You glad to be back? Emilia asks as we cross the busy road.

“I guess so “I say walking a few steps behind her.

My Life as a Tomlinson.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora