Chapter Nine: Treading Mills

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I made my way towards him, ready to order him to bed. I could see him lifting weights; the sound of the metal clinking was the only thing that could be heard. Just when I was about to speak, he interrupted me and spoke instead.

"I've been thinking..." He said, breaking through the silence and sitting up from the bench.

Joshua thinking? Now I was positive the apocalypse was close.

"You do that too? Well, that's always a good sign," I replied sarcastically.

He looked about to speak, but I didn't give him the chance.

"Why don't you continue to think some more in bed? Or better yet, you can go to sleep and make my job easier," I tried to coerce.

He smiled at that. As if giving me what I wanted was the last thing on his mind.

"As I was just saying, I was thinking..." He trailed off in that annoying way people do when they want to you to question them further.

If he wasn't going to give me what I wanted, I wouldn't give him anything either.

After about five minutes he finally gave up with a huff.

"Fine, since you're going to be stubborn, I'll let you know anyway. Would it be ok if I decided to confide in you?"

What the fuck? Was Joshua trying to have a heart to heart with me in a weight room?

"Er, yeah I guess if you want...I do owe you for the whole magazine thing..." I said awkwardly.

So this was the moment that Joshua would bear his heart to me. Show me that there was more to a good looking face and perfect body. Surprise me with his honorary character and real heart.  The sky would clear and I would realize that there was a genuine and worthy person in front of me.

He began to speak, "It's been on my mind for a while. What I was thinking about was," he paused for a moment, adding dramatic effect.

"Would you...still look as funny when you ran on the treadmill?" He wondered.

Or, not.

I don't think I had ever rolled my eyes as intensely as that moment when Joshua "confided" in me.

I can't explain why I still didn't want to accept the fact that I ran like an idiot, because I said, " I do not run funny damn it! The camera just got me at a bad angle and it was a bad shot..."

"I looked pretty good actually" He responded with a wink.

"Yeah, well you can make sweat look good," I thought to myself.

I had the urge to prove him wrong, so without a second thought I turned on the treadmill that was beside me. I really did know how to dig myself in a hole when I put my mind to it, because I ended up running the fucking treadmill on the highest setting with Joshua staring at me in shock.

Yeah, I was pretty shocked too. What was this setting for? Racecars?

It was two in the morning and I was practically flying on a treadmill, instead of being all nice and cozy in my hotel bed. In about 5 seconds I was huffing and puffing, doing my best to keep up with the speeding machine.

Stupid need to prove him wrong.

In the next ten seconds I began to huff and my legs felt like they were on the brink of giving out. I was in a pair of dark skinny jeans, so that shit didn't help either.

It was all a blur at one point. The only thing on my mind was staying on the damn thing and not falling off on my out- of- shape ass.

I didn't even care if I was running funny, I just needed to survive!

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