Mama rolled her eyes. "I'm not telling you anything about the man that helped give you life but why should I give you a new mattress when you can't even do anything I tell you to? I asked you to take care of Jayvion and I haven't heard anything about him as of yet. I asked you to take care of Milan but you couldn't even do that for some strange reason. You can't ever do anything I tell you to do, so no, I can't compensate you for your mattress. Shit. You should be happy we were trying to make more babies."

I scrunched up my face. "Y'all know y'all too old to be trying to make babies and I don't think y'all wanna fuck anymore kids up. Y'all already fucked three up and that's enough for now. But if you ever picked up your phone, you'd know Jayvion was handled weeks ago. Isaiah did it," I whispered. "And how am I supposed to get my hands on Milan if I can't even find her?"

"Oh, give me a fucking break. You always know where that bitch is at because I bet you're still sleeping with her. Aren't you still fucking her?"


"You're a damn liar."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not lying but I don't see what the problem with her is. Yeah, I was fucking her for a few years but it's not like she was a threat to the family or anything. She kept to herself and minded her business but you kept messing with her because she was with Pops. You were the only one threatened by her."

"Not anymore," she smiled.

I scrunched up my face. "Mama, what did you do to her? I told you to just leave her alone. Milan's good."

"No the bitch isn't. You know she went to the police and started telling them about our family?" she asked as she led me downstairs to the basement. "Luckily, Charmaine was there that day to catch the business but she was willing to take our entire family out and I could't run the risk of her running her mouth to the wrong person, so I had to take care of her myself since my bitch ass son couldn't do it."

I frowned. "I'm not a bitch Mama."

"Then how come you didn't kill the bitch like I told you to?"

"Because Milan's not bad."

"Shut the fuck up! You're a bitch ass nigga because you couldn't kill this one bitch. You've done it to plenty of other bitches in the past but not Milan. Who gives a fuck about that gutter ass bitch anyways?"

"Clearly not you. You're so damn bitter Pops left you for her."

Mama shrugged her shoulders. "And you're just mad she never left him for you," she retorted. "Now that we're done telling each other the truth we already know, can we get down to the business at hand?"

I looked over at Mama, who didn't seem phased by my comments. I don't care what she says. I know she's off of her medication because she wouldn't be acting like this if she was still on it. Mama always gets off of her meds and starts wilding out whenever she gets close to my Dad again. It's like they thrive off of each other's insanity because he needs to be medicated too.

"What?" I frowned.

"Follow me and stop acting like a little boy."

I kept quiet as I followed Mama through the large basement. The further we got into the basement, the weirder it started to smell but I knew that scent from anywhere. It smelled like a dead body. I covered my mouth and nose as Mama walked up to a big garbage bag that looked like it had dried up blood all over it. Damn. This must be the body.

"You can open the bag if you want to," she smirked, but I shook my head.

"Mama, who the fuck is that?"

All or Nothing (Urban) Book 9 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now