Closing my eyes, I pictured the field in my mind. The sweet rose smell filled my nose and the gentle breeze caressed my face. Laying on the plush grass, I soaked in the warm sun. I really loved this place, even if it was just in my head.

Remember to always stay calm. An angry Kat is a dangerous Kat.

I'm sorry Mom.

Opening my eyes, I was once again in control. We have also reached the destination. Alberto was looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"What?" I snapped.

"We've been here for about ten minutes. Didn't you hear me calling you??"

"Uhm. No. Sorry"

Not wanting to be questioned by him, I opened the door and stepped out.

Looking around,I couldn't help but be impressed. The land was very big and by the looks if it, very secluded like those privately owned lands. Ten big houses formed a semi circle, each with their own individual drive way.

Smaller houses were scattered all over the place, giving the appearance on mini housing schemes. A large field was between the houses, which lead into the woods. I could see people outside their homes, some stopping to look at me, whispering among themselves.

   We were currently in the driveway of the middle house. My father took my bags out of the car and we began the walk up to the house. As we reached the door, it was flung open and a body slammed into mine.

    Roses and Jasmine immediately filled my nostrils.

"Katrina. I'm so glad your home"

Wrapping my hand around Jac, I hugged her back just as tight.

"Its so good to see you Jac"

Releasing me, she looked into my eyes and broke down. Her dark brown eyes were watery, her dark brown head bowed and her petite frame was shaking.


"Stop crying Jac. Its ok"

"I-i-i-i-m so sorry Kat. If we hadn't lied to you you wouldn't have left home.

"Its OK Jac. I would have left anyway. It just happened sooner than later"

Hugging her, I lead her into the house. On entry, there was a huge hall way with a double stair case leading to the second storey. Walking down the hallway, I turned to the left and entered the sitting room area. Leading Jac to the big white sofa, I sat down with her, comforting her.

   Alberto stood in the doorway looking super awkward and guilty. He was the reason his wife and soulmate lied to me for years.

   Wanting to get away, he said he was going to call my siblings. On his way, he called on the maids to go put my bags in a room.

   Shushing Jac, she finally
calmed down.

"I'm sorry for being a mess Kat. Its just that I felt so guilty you know"

"Its OK Jac. You don't have to feel guilty anymore. So how have things being?"

Her face visibly brightened.

"It has been OK. Your going to meet your siblings soon. They have heard so much about you and has wanted to meet you for a very long time"

"Well I'm here now and I won't be leaving anytime soon"

Smiling, we continued to talk about the changes that have happened since I've left. The coven had expanded and that's why they had to move here.

  The council, which consisted of Representatives from all the known supernatural, was in chaos now that Antonio was dead.

"We've being having threats and killings all over the place. Everyone is trying to get Antonio's position. Someone is even trying to unseat the council and start a war"

This is not good. If this happens a war amongst the supernatural is imminent.

"But your father and the others aren't going to let that happen. I'm glad you came back. If the legend is true, your the only one who can stop this"

"I don't even know this legend. I've only heard whispers of it when I was a kid"

"We'll sort that out later,but now,let's go meet your siblings. Your father just linked me to say they are in the kitchen"

Jumping up, she grabbed my hand, leading me to the kitchen.



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