I Don't Talk Much

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Castiel Novak is the odd-man-out in Supe R. Natrul High School. He doesn't talk to anyone at the school, always sits in the back, and just avoids social confrontations altogether. Until Dean Winchester comes along.

Dean Winchester has never been good at making friends, or talking to people for that matter. He only ever talks to his brother, Sam. But then they move to a new town, to a new school, and there, Dean Winchester meets Castiel.

So, hello. This is my first, like ACTUAL fanfic. Derp a derp a derp. I'm not reeeeeaaaaalllllly sure what I'm supposed to say here, just wanted to let you know. :) and if you continue to read my crap, you shall realize that I'm REEEEEAAAAALLLLYY weird and LOVE my Merthur, Destiel, and Johnlock. Mostly Destiel, though. Huzzah!

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