When we got there what I see breaks my heart, I have two girls all huddled together looking scared as hell and one girl standing in front of them in a protecting position. I slowly walked toward them, only for the girl to let out a feral growl. My mates took a step forward and I hear their heart beats get faster, I hold my hand up to stop my mates. I put my hands up in surrender and walk closer toward them, "Hi, I'm your Alpha/Luna, but you can call me Alex. What are you names?" I mind-link them, trying to loosen the tense environment

"My name is Samantha, Luna, but you can call me Sam. I'm from the BloodHound Pack. Do you mind me asking why you are talking to us through the mind-link." A petite girl, with black hair that goes down to her knees and vibrant blue eyes, says.

"I was captured by the rogues much like you were and they put dried wolves-bane on my food so it will rub off and burn my vocal cords, eliminating my abilities to speak. And it worked." I say and I walk closer to where I am standing directly in front of them, I put my hand out to shake theirs but they all flinch and the girl that's guarding them lets out another growl, "I only want to shake your hand," I say in a soothing voice.

The girl that spoke to me steps from behind the motherly figure and reaches out her hand also and says, "Nice to meet you Lun-Alex." She says and corrects herself.

I smile and move on the other girls. "And what are your names?"

The last girl hiding behind the other pokes her head out and squeaks out in a shy voice, "My name is Ashlee." Then jumps behind the girl again. But I still got a good look at her. She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and she is medium height.

The protective girl lets out a chuckle, "Excuse her Luna, she is really shy." She says the puts her hand out, "My name is Lillie but I go by my middle name Ria because the name Lillie is too girly for me." I smile and shake her hand. "We are all from the BloodHound Pack, Me and Ashlee areTwins and daughters of the Alpha and Sam is our best friend and the Betas daughter." She says. She has dirty blonde hair, with brown eyes and is short.

I nod and ask, "Was your pack attacked?"

They all nod their head with tears in their eyes. "Yeah, they held us with a gun to our head making us watch our pack, and family get killed." Ashlee says. I hug them tightly, wanting to help them forget all those bad memories, but I know from experience that that's never going to happen. 

I spend a couple of hours with them mind-linking and getting to know them. I started to get a head ache talking through the mind-link so I got a notepad and communicated with them through that. Ian and Ken left to get some Alpha stuff done a little bit after we introduced each other. Liam, Dante, and Abby love them, anything the girls do my beautiful babies smile brightly at and let out a belly laugh.

Turns out shy little Ashlee is really loud and hyper when you get to know her and she gets used to you. She loves to paint, read, play sports, and draw. Her favorite color is purple. She is really girly, but not the slutty type. Her wolfs name is Kat and she is a pure white wolf.

Sam is just as hyper, but way more lazy and less into sports as Ashlee. She loves to run though. Her favorite color is blue. When she has free time all she wants to do is hang with her friends and watch movies. She is a movie maniac. She loves all kinds of movies, going all the way from horror movies to sappy love stories. Her wolfs name is Sally and her wolfs fur is tan colored.

Ria is a quiet girl but when she does talk she is a smart ass and very sarcastic. She is fun and loves to prank people, (Were gonna have fun together. ;)) Her favorite color is black. Music is her love, she like's older generation music, hard rock, and scream-o. Her absolute favorite songs are 'Carry On My Wayward Son,' and "Eye of the Tiger.' She is a lesbian, she was scared to tell me, afraid of getting made fun of, but I love that about her and think it is awesome. Her wolfs name is Lillian and her fur color is pitch black. She is also the motherly and protective figure of the three.

We were cut out of our talk when Mac mind-linked me *Your babies are getting annoying and want their mate.* I let out a laugh through the mind-link. My mates are more of a baby than my real babies are. 

I say okay and write down to the girls, *Well it was nice to meet you but my mates want me so I got to go. I think my other friends will really like you, what do you think about going to the mall sometime next week and you meeting them?* They agreed gingerly. I then mind-link my mates to come help me bring my babies to bed. They immediately come rushing into the room eagerly and we walk to our room.

Before I bring the babies to bed I decided to stop by and ask the girls if they want to go to the mall and meet the new pack members. My mates take Liam, Abby, and Dante to the room and wait for me to come to bed. They can never fall asleep before they know that I am safe and sound in bed anymore. I call the girls all into the living room through the mind-link, well everyone beside Nicole, who is still on her date, I will ask her later.

Mac is the first one here, when she get in the room she stops in her tracks and sniffs the air. "What is that delicious smell, its like roses?"She asks with awe in her voice and just stands there smelling the air in delight.

I look at her confused, the hell is she talking about, and that is exactly what I write to her, *The hell are you talking about woman?* If you cant tell we have gotten close since we found out she was still alive. Very, very close. She looks as if she has snapped out of a trance and just shakes her head and sits down with a confused look on her face. I just shake my head at her and follow suit and sit down also. 

As everyone walks in I tell them about the girls and our mall trip. They all think that it's a great idea.

When I get to the room my babies start fussing and push their arms out wanting me to hold them. I frown, and think of a way to make them all happy. How am I supposed to hold three babies at once? No insult to the moon goddess, but how did she think this is going to work? I men don't get me wrong, I absolutely love ALL of my babies. An idea popped into my head and I lay a blanket across the bed and carry them all to it individually and lay down with them, now they all can be by me. My mates who were watching, soon followed suite and lay down next to us.

I start to softly sing a lullaby, seeing Abby and Dante's eyes start to close, I look over at Liam to see him carefully watching his brother and sister, once he saw that they were okay and asleep his eyes started to close also. I was in awe, he isn't even old enough to talk yet he is already protective of his younger siblings. I am so proud.

A little while later I start to drift off to sleep and my mates get up to put Abby, Liam, and Dante in their cribs. I hear them make sure they're all warm and comfy, grabbing a baby monitor so we can hear everything that goes on. I feel the bed sink on both sides as my mates join me, and thats all the motivation I need to pass out. 

Life as the Rejected OneWhere stories live. Discover now