Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling the same as always. I felt like I was never happy anymore that I was always sad. It felt like happiness didn't exist. I don't laugh as much as I used to, when I do laugh it's over something stupid.

Finally after thinking for about 25 mins, I rolled out of bed to go to school something I despised doing. I looked in the mirror but quickly looking away out of disgust.

"Ew" I thought to myself. I took a quick shower that felt great on my ugly pale skin. Honestly in the morning I look like Casper the ghost. No lie. 

I combed out my hair and put it in boxer braids. It was my go to when I didn't wanna make an effort. I got changed into a light pink blouse from forever 21. I put on a pair of black jeans and black retro vans. I grabbed my backpack with all my books and such and left my house for school. The weather was amazing in South Carolina for 7 in the morning. There was a slight breeze but nothing too drastic. The walk from my house to my school was only about 30 minutes. I couldn't drive, which really sucked but my parents couldn't afford to take me. 

My family was not rich at all. My dad was the only one who worked in the house. My mom stayed at home because she had a bad back and didn't want to risk hurting it even more by working. I wanted to go out and get a job but I didn't know where to even begin. Also I was too lazy to even go out or go online to look for one. I know, I know, too many excuses. But can you blame me? 

I hadn't realized that I was walking so slow that I literally had only 10 minutes to get to school and I was 4 blocks away. I had no choice but to ran. I took off in a fast sprint in attempts to make it to school on time. I ran as long as my short legs could before I had to catch a breath. I took a quick breather before taking off in another sprint. People probably thought I was so weird for running like a mad woman down the street as if I were being chased by something or someone. 

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