Marshall: "Why do I feel like this isn't your first time doing this?"

Skye: "I have no idea." She said putting on a suspicious smile.

(Time Skip to night.)

Skye: *whispers* "Marshall, I'm here."

Marshall: *yawns* "Wow this must be very important, you stayed up this late." He said yawning again.

Skye: "It is." She said walking inside his pup house.

Marshall: "So...what is it?"

Skye: "Well..."

Marshall: "First let me ask, is this about Chase?"

Skye: "...yes."

Marshall: "Seriously? Why can't he finally be out of the picture?!"

Skye: "Because you know I still love him."

Marshall: "Why HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU, SKYE!"

Skye: "He does..."

Marshall: "What?"

Skye: "He told me. Chase does!"

Marshall: "Don't make me laugh. He still takes orders from me. Unlike you he trust me because I saved his precious life!"

Skye: "He trust me that I would say anything he wants to know."

Marshall: "Oh really?"

Skye: "Yeah."

Marshall: "Then how can he still hasn't told you about his locked box?"

Skye: "What?"

Marshall: *smirks* "Exactly!"

Skye: " least...I don't control him for it."

Marshall: "He owes me remember the blizzard. I couldn't walk when I got hit with that ice shard on my leg."

Skye: "Yeah but-Wait! That doesn't make any sense?"

Marshall: "What are you talking about?" He said confused.

Skye: "You said that you couldn't walk when the ice shard hit you hind leg, right?"

Marshall: "Yeah and..."

Skye: "That would mean that you would've had to gotten hit with the ice shard after you saved Chase if you couldn't move your leg let alone your legs. But Chase told me that you got hit with the ice shard before you saved his life."

Marshall: " it happened after I saved his life, I think."

Skye: "You don't know?"

Marshall: "What? No I do. It's just I don't know remember how." He said putting a very suspicious smile.

Skye: "How can you not remember the how you became a hero to him?"

Marshall: "Um..."

Skye: "And if you couldn't walk or run or use your legs at all, like you said then how could you reach Chase? It's impossible. Well...unless didn't." She said with her eyes wide open and looking at the so called 'hero'.

Marshall: "That's ridiculous! I did! I'm the hero! I'm the god to Chase! I SAVED HIS LIFE!"


Marshall: "FINE! It's true. You caught me. I didn't save Chase's life. Happy?"

Skye: *shocked* "Yes. I am happy. Now you can't guilt trip Chase. Which means that I can...I...I...I can finally be with him." She said about to dash to the door.

But the door all of a sudden closed. Skye turned around. She froze. Marshall closed the door with a remote. But that wasn't why she was shocked. It was what he was holding that made her made her freeze and heart beat start pounding like crazy.

Marshall: "Your not going anywhere, Skye." He said with pure evil in his eyes. As he lifted the gun like object. "Relax. It's not a gun it's a tranquilizer. But yes it can still do damage." *smirks*

Skye: *terrified* "Look...M-Ma- Marshall put that down s-slowly."

Marshall: *laughs* "How about no. Look Skye, your not gonna tell anyone. Especially Chase." *smirks*

Skye: *breathing heavily* "W-What are you going to d-do if I do." She said beyond terrified by now.

Marshall: "Yeah that's not going to happen."

Then all you could hear was three shots being fired...


A/N: Sorry. Again but I hoped you liked it. What a twist! Surprising as well right? Well until next time bye! icandream05 out!

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